Thanks Clement. I"ll start accommodating your suggestions and addressing
comments on the KIP-519.  However, can we please start discussing on the
KIP-519 discussion thread?
On Mon, Sep 9, 2019 at 9:23 PM Pellerin, Clement <>

> Please specify in the KIP if the new config is reconfigurable or not.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pellerin, Clement
> Sent: Monday, September 9, 2019 8:28 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: [DISCUSS] KIP-486 Support for pluggable KeyStore and
> TrustStore
> This is a good start.
> Please document the constants for the config you are creating.
> You will notice you need to make the name of your default implementation
> public.
> How do the configs get into your factory instance? Is it through the
> constructor or you will add method arguments?
> Please define your constructor in the KIP even if it is the default
> constructor.
> You will also need to document the constructor in the class comment of
> your interface.
> In your implementation, I suggest to default the config value and always
> call the constructor dynamically even for the default implementation.
> I don't understand why this is a factory for both SSLContext and SslEngine.
> The name of the factory depends on this choice.
> I am not a fan of the method name shouldBeRebuilt()
> This was OK in a private implementation before but this will become a
> public API.
> What would be a better name that fits with the naming conventions in
> SslFactory?
> Please mention how your interface could handle custom configs.
> I would assume you plan to merge the SslFactory reconfigurableConfigs with
> those of the SslEngineFactory.
> How can you be sure SslFactory always creates its SslEngineFactory before
> any calls to SslFactory.reconfigurableConfigs()?
> Your Rejected Alternatives need to be beefed up.
> In particular, why is SslFactory not the pluggable interface directly?
> Hint: because we want to reuse all the complex validation code and make it
> mandatory.
> This is also the place to argue against KIP-383. Hint: because it does not
> handle reconfiguration in the presence of custom configs.
> When I wrote KIP-383, I felt I needed a prototype before I could solidify
> the proposal.
> That's part of the reason why there was never a third iteration.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Maulin Vasavada []
> Sent: Monday, September 9, 2019 6:41 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] KIP-486 Support for pluggable KeyStore and
> TrustStore
> Hi all
> I created a KIP-519 for pluggability of SSLContext/Engine object. Looking
> forward for a great discussion and feedback on the same. I'll keep KIP-486
> in discussion state until we reach to some good conclusion on how to allow
> custom key/trust stores after KIP-519 work is done. Based on that, we will
> update the KIP-486 appropriately.
> Thanks
> Maulin
> This email did not originate from inside Information Builders.

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