Hi, this is my first KIP for a change in Apache Kafka, so I'm really need to the process. Looking forward to hearing from you and learn the best ropes here.
I would like to propose this KIP-515 to enable the ZookeeperClients to take full advantage of the TLS communication in the new Zookeeper 3.5.5. Specially interesting it the Zookeeper Security Migration, that without this change will not work with TLS, disabling users to use ACLs when the Zookeeper cluster use TLS. link: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-515%3A+Enable+ZK+client+to+use+the+new+TLS+supported+authentication Looking forward to hearing from you on this, /cheers -- Pere Urbon-Bayes Software Architect http://www.purbon.com https://twitter.com/purbon https://www.linkedin.com/in/purbon/