
Joe Stein updated KAFKA-1200:

    Fix Version/s: 0.8.1

the consumer should log the error too, yeah.  should be able to patch this too 
if no one else is already working on it

> inconsistent log levels when consumed offset is reset
> -----------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: KAFKA-1200
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-1200
>             Project: Kafka
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: consumer
>    Affects Versions: 0.8.0
>            Reporter: Jason Rosenberg
>            Assignee: Neha Narkhede
>             Fix For: 0.8.1
> I've recently been dealing with the issue where my consumer falls behind and 
> essentially loses data when the broker deletes data, due to it's retention 
> policy.
> On the broker, this is logged as an ERROR:
> 2013-12-23 05:02:08,456 ERROR [kafka-request-handler-2] server.KafkaApis - 
> [KafkaApi-45] Error when processing fetch request for partition [mytopic,0] 
> offset 204243601 from consumer with correlation id 130341
> kafka.common.OffsetOutOfRangeException: Request for offset 204243601 but we 
> only have log segments in the range 204343397 to 207423640.
> But on the consumer, this same event is logged as a WARN:
> 2013-12-23 05:02:08,797  WARN 
> [ConsumerFetcherThread-myconsumergroup-1387353494862-7aa0c61d-0-45] 
> consumer.ConsumerFetcherThread - 
> [ConsumerFetcherThread-myconsumergroup-1387353494862-7aa0c61d-0-45], Current 
> offset 204243601 for partition [mytopic,0] out of range; reset offset to 
> 204343397
> It seems this should also be an ERROR condition (it would seem the consumer 
> would care more about this than the broker, at least!).
> Also, sometimes (but not always) there is also this log message on the 
> consumer, which does log as an ERROR (I'm not sure why this log line doesn't 
> always appear after the above WARN?):
> 2014-01-08 02:31:47,681 ERROR [myconsumerthread-0]
> consumer.ConsumerIterator - consumed offset: 16163904970 doesn't match
> fetch offset: 16175326044 for mytopic:0: fetched offset = 16175330598:
> consumed offset = 16163904970;
>  Consumer may lose data
> In this message, there is the "Consumer may lose data" message, which makes 
> sense.  Seems the fetcher thread above should also log something like that, 
> and be an ERROR.
> This would allow for more consistent alerting, in this case.

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