Jason Rosenberg created KAFKA-1200:

             Summary: inconsistent log levels when consumed offset is reset
                 Key: KAFKA-1200
                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-1200
             Project: Kafka
          Issue Type: Bug
          Components: consumer
    Affects Versions: 0.8.0
            Reporter: Jason Rosenberg
            Assignee: Neha Narkhede

I've recently been dealing with the issue where my consumer falls behind and 
essentially loses data when the broker deletes data, due to it's retention 

On the broker, this is logged as an ERROR:

2013-12-23 05:02:08,456 ERROR [kafka-request-handler-2] server.KafkaApis - 
[KafkaApi-45] Error when processing fetch request for partition [mytopic,0] 
offset 204243601 from consumer with correlation id 130341
kafka.common.OffsetOutOfRangeException: Request for offset 204243601 but we 
only have log segments in the range 204343397 to 207423640.

But on the consumer, this same event is logged as a WARN:

2013-12-23 05:02:08,797  WARN 
consumer.ConsumerFetcherThread - 
[ConsumerFetcherThread-myconsumergroup-1387353494862-7aa0c61d-0-45], Current 
offset 204243601 for partition [mytopic,0] out of range; reset offset to 

It seems this should also be an ERROR condition (it would seem the consumer 
would care more about this than the broker, at least!).

Also, sometimes (but not always) there is also this log message on the 
consumer, which does log as an ERROR (I'm not sure why this log line doesn't 
always appear after the above WARN?):

2014-01-08 02:31:47,681 ERROR [myconsumerthread-0]
consumer.ConsumerIterator - consumed offset: 16163904970 doesn't match
fetch offset: 16175326044 for mytopic:0: fetched offset = 16175330598:
consumed offset = 16163904970;
 Consumer may lose data

In this message, there is the "Consumer may lose data" message, which makes 
sense.  Seems the fetcher thread above should also log something like that, and 
be an ERROR.

This would allow for more consistent alerting, in this case.

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