Seems like most people are verifying the src, so I'll pick on the
binaries and Maven stuff ;)
A few problems I see:
There are some vestigial Git files in the src download: an empty .git
and .gitignore
In the source download, I see the SBT license in LICENSE which seems
correct (since we distribute an SBT binary), but in the binary download
I see the same license. Don't we need the Scala license
( in the binary distribution?
I create a simple Ant+Ivy project to test resolving the artifacts
published to Apache staging repo:
This will fetch Kafka libs from the Apache staging area and other things
from Maven Central. It will fetch the jars into lib/ivy/{conf} and
generate a report of the dependencies, conflicts, and licenses into
ivy-report. Notice I had to add three exclusions to get things working.
Maybe we should add these to our pom?
I think I'll have to -1 the release due to the missing Scala license in
the binary dist. We should check the other licenses as well (see
ivy-report from my little Ant project).
On 11/26/13 5:34 PM, Joe Stein wrote:
This is the fifth candidate for release of Apache Kafka 0.8.0. This
release candidate is now built from JDK 6 as RC4 was built with JDK 7.
Release Notes for the 0.8.0 release
*** Please download, test and vote by Monday December, 2nd, 12pm PDT
Kafka's KEYS file containing PGP keys we use to sign the release: in addition to the md5 and sha1
* Release artifacts to be voted upon (source and binary):
* Maven artifacts to be voted upon prior to release:
(i.e. in sbt land this can be added to the build.sbt to use Kafka
resolvers += "Apache Staging" at ""
libraryDependencies += "org.apache.kafka" % "kafka_2.10" % "0.8.0"
* The tag to be voted upon (off the 0.8 branch) is the 0.8.0 tag;a=tag;h=2c20a71a010659e25af075a024cbd692c87d4c89
Joe Stein
Founder, Principal Consultant
Big Data Open Source Security LLC
Twitter: @allthingshadoop <>