Arup Malakar updated KAFKA-1110:

Sarama[1] (A golang kafka library: https://github.com/Shopify/sarama) is 
following the specs as defined in: 
but messages are not getting into the kafka log file and consumers never see 
them when gzip/snappy is used. Without compression it works fine though.

Few observations we made:
1. Kafka service does have required jars to be able to interpret snappy 
messages. When I modify ConsoleProducer to produce messages using   
SnappyCompressionCodec instead of default GZip codec. I was able to 
produce/consume messages. Looking at the kafka log files I see that Snappy 
Compression was indeed getting used:

% bin/kafka-run-class.sh kafka.tools.DumpLogSegments --files 
/tmp/kafka-logs/aruptest-0/00000000000000000000.log | tail -1

offset: 15 position: 18763 isvalid: true payloadsize: 52 magic: 0 
compresscodec: SnappyCompressionCodec crc: 1602790249

So I don't think it would be a case of missing jars in kafka server.

2. Kafka doesn't return any error if the message doesn't make it to the log 
file. This seems pretty serious, as I would expect kafka to throw an error if I 
am using WaitForLocal/WaitForAll.

3. We did an inspection of the tcp packet to see the difference between what 
ConsoleProducer sends vs what sarama sends
(Following is a copy/paste from a github issue):
[~eapache] : "So I have no idea what the ConsoleProducer is actually sending in 
this case. The outer protocol layers in both cases look identical, but if you 
compare the actual message value:

a. Sarama sends two bytes of snappy header and then "<msg-payload>" (since 
Snappy decides it's too short to properly encode, so makes it a literal). 
Pretty straightforward.
b. ConsoleProducer sends 0x82 then the string literal SNAPPY\0 then what 
appears to be a complete embedded produce request without any compression. This 
is neither valid snappy nor valid Kafka according to anything I've seen, so I'm 
pretty confused. It looks almost like an incorrect version of [1] but it's 
missing several key fields and the case of the identifying string is wrong.

1: http://code.google.com/p/snappy/source/browse/trunk/framing_format.txt "

Let us know if recent changes in the codebase makes the protocol page obsolete, 
in that case if the protocol page is updated we could update our client to use 
the new spec.

More information could be found in the following github issue: 

Sarama[1] (A golang kafka library: https://github.com/Shopify/sarama) is 
following the specs as defined in: 
but messages are not getting into the kafka log file and consumers never see 
them when gzip/snappy is used. Without compression it works fine though.

Few observations we made:
1. Kafka service does have required jars to be able to interpret snappy 
messages. When I modify ConsoleProducer to produce messages using   
SnappyCompressionCodec instead of default GZip codec. I was able to 
produce/consume messages. Looking at the kafka log files I see that Snappy 
Compression was indeed getting used:

% bin/kafka-run-class.sh kafka.tools.DumpLogSegments --files 
/tmp/kafka-logs/aruptest-0/00000000000000000000.log | tail -1

offset: 15 position: 18763 isvalid: true payloadsize: 52 magic: 0 
compresscodec: SnappyCompressionCodec crc: 1602790249

So I don't think it would be a case of missing jars in kafka server.

2. Kafka doesn't return any error if the message doesn't make it to the log 
file. This seems pretty serious, as I would expect kafka to throw an error if I 
am using WaitForLocal/WaitForAll.

3. We did an inspection of the tcp packet to see the difference between what 
ConsoleProducer sends vs what sarama sends
(Following is a copy/paste from a github issue):
[~eapache] : 
So I have no idea what the ConsoleProducer is actually sending in this case. 
The outer protocol layers in both cases look identical, but if you compare the 
actual message value:

a. Sarama sends two bytes of snappy header and then "<msg-payload>" (since 
Snappy decides it's too short to properly encode, so makes it a literal). 
Pretty straightforward.
b. ConsoleProducer sends 0x82 then the string literal SNAPPY\0 then what 
appears to be a complete embedded produce request without any compression. This 
is neither valid snappy nor valid Kafka according to anything I've seen, so I'm 
pretty confused. It looks almost like an incorrect version of [1] but it's 
missing several key fields and the case of the identifying string is wrong.

Let us know if recent changes in the codebase makes the protocol page obsolete, 
in that case if the protocol page is updated we could update our client to use 
the new spec.

More information could be found in the following github issue: 

> Unable to produce messages with snappy/gzip compression
> -------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: KAFKA-1110
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-1110
>             Project: Kafka
>          Issue Type: Bug
>    Affects Versions: 0.8
>         Environment: Kafka version: kafka-0.8.0-beta1
> OS version: Darwin 12.4.1 Darwin Kernel Version 12.4.1: Tue May 21 17:04:50 
> PDT 2013; root:xnu-2050.40.51~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
>            Reporter: Arup Malakar
>         Attachments: kafka_producer_snappy_pkt_63.pcapng, 
> sarama_producer_snappy_pkt_1.pcapng
> Sarama[1] (A golang kafka library: https://github.com/Shopify/sarama) is 
> following the specs as defined in: 
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/A+Guide+To+The+Kafka+Protocol
>  but messages are not getting into the kafka log file and consumers never see 
> them when gzip/snappy is used. Without compression it works fine though.
> Few observations we made:
> 1. Kafka service does have required jars to be able to interpret snappy 
> messages. When I modify ConsoleProducer to produce messages using   
> SnappyCompressionCodec instead of default GZip codec. I was able to 
> produce/consume messages. Looking at the kafka log files I see that Snappy 
> Compression was indeed getting used:
> % bin/kafka-run-class.sh kafka.tools.DumpLogSegments --files 
> /tmp/kafka-logs/aruptest-0/00000000000000000000.log | tail -1
> offset: 15 position: 18763 isvalid: true payloadsize: 52 magic: 0 
> compresscodec: SnappyCompressionCodec crc: 1602790249
> So I don't think it would be a case of missing jars in kafka server.
> 2. Kafka doesn't return any error if the message doesn't make it to the log 
> file. This seems pretty serious, as I would expect kafka to throw an error if 
> I am using WaitForLocal/WaitForAll.
> 3. We did an inspection of the tcp packet to see the difference between what 
> ConsoleProducer sends vs what sarama sends
> (Following is a copy/paste from a github issue):
> [~eapache] : "So I have no idea what the ConsoleProducer is actually sending 
> in this case. The outer protocol layers in both cases look identical, but if 
> you compare the actual message value:
> a. Sarama sends two bytes of snappy header and then "<msg-payload>" (since 
> Snappy decides it's too short to properly encode, so makes it a literal). 
> Pretty straightforward.
> b. ConsoleProducer sends 0x82 then the string literal SNAPPY\0 then what 
> appears to be a complete embedded produce request without any compression. 
> This is neither valid snappy nor valid Kafka according to anything I've seen, 
> so I'm pretty confused. It looks almost like an incorrect version of [1] but 
> it's missing several key fields and the case of the identifying string is 
> wrong.
> 1: http://code.google.com/p/snappy/source/browse/trunk/framing_format.txt "
> Let us know if recent changes in the codebase makes the protocol page 
> obsolete, in that case if the protocol page is updated we could update our 
> client to use the new spec.
> More information could be found in the following github issue: 
> https://github.com/Shopify/sarama/issues/32

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