
Guozhang Wang updated KAFKA-955:

    Attachment: KAFKA-955.v6.patch

After talking around with people I now proposed an approach similar to v4 but 
generalized with a responseCode instead of just a close socket flag. And on 
SocketServer the processor would act based on the code instead of checking if 
the responseSend is null or not.

Also change aliveBrokers in KafkaApis from var to val since it is not 
overwritten in lifetime.
> After a leader change, messages sent with ack=0 are lost
> --------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: KAFKA-955
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-955
>             Project: Kafka
>          Issue Type: Bug
>            Reporter: Jason Rosenberg
>            Assignee: Guozhang Wang
>         Attachments: KAFKA-955.v1.patch, KAFKA-955.v1.patch, 
> KAFKA-955.v2.patch, KAFKA-955.v3.patch, KAFKA-955.v4.patch, 
> KAFKA-955.v5.patch, KAFKA-955.v6.patch
> If the leader changes for a partition, and a producer is sending messages 
> with ack=0, then messages will be lost, since the producer has no active way 
> of knowing that the leader has changed, until it's next metadata refresh 
> update.
> The broker receiving the message, which is no longer the leader, logs a 
> message like this:
> Produce request with correlation id 7136261 from client  on partition 
> [mytopic,0] failed due to Leader not local for partition [mytopic,0] on 
> broker 508818741
> This is exacerbated by the controlled shutdown mechanism, which forces an 
> immediate leader change.
> A possible solution to this would be for a broker which receives a message, 
> for a topic that it is no longer the leader for (and if the ack level is 0), 
> then the broker could just silently forward the message over to the current 
> leader.

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