John Fung created KAFKA-791:

             Summary: Fix validation bugs in System Test
                 Key: KAFKA-791
             Project: Kafka
          Issue Type: Bug
            Reporter: John Fung
            Assignee: John Fung

The following issues are found in data / log checksum match in System Test:

1. kafka_system_test_utils.validate_simple_consumer_data_matched
It reports PASSED even some log segments don't match

2. kafka_system_test_utils.validate_data_matched
It reports PASSED in the Ack=1 cases even data loss is greater than the 
tolerance (1%).

3. kafka_system_test_utils.validate_simple_consumer_data_matched
It gets a unique set of MessageID to validate. It should leave all MessageID as 
is and the test case should fail if duplicates are detected.

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