That sounds like a bug. Don't worry about the script if it is proprietary, I 
can just write a simple java test harness. That would actually be a good test 
to run going forward.

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 14, 2012, at 2:21 AM, ben fleis <> wrote:

> Hey Jay,  (yes, I just like the sound of that!)
> I have a testing harness for my Node client, but I can't (at the moment)
> put it out in the open.  If you'd like, I cab share it via LI channels and
> get you into full simulation without too much pain, I think.
> And yes, they are same partition, same socket.  I have the tcpdump logs, my
> own console and producer logs and the raw kafka files stored away if that's
> useful.  They are stored in wrong order on disk, so it's definitely on the
> incoming side.
> ben

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