Hi Manu,

My hope is that the Hive 4 problem is "only" a test issue. Since similar
tests are running (or were running when I last have seen it in the Hive
codebase), there should be a working version of TestHiveMetastore which
runs these tests. We might be able to incorporate a similar code into our
TestHiveMetastore to make this work.

We could reuse .github/workflows/hive-ci.yml to run the tests against the
relevant Hive versions for the Iceberg Hive Metastore module.


Manu Zhang <owenzhang1...@gmail.com> ezt írta (időpont: 2025. jan. 8., Sze,

> Thanks Wing Yew for filling in the missing part.
>> The built-in version is also used for other things that Spark may use
>> from Hive (aside from interaction with HMS), such as Hive SerDes.
> AFAIK, this is blocking Spark itself from upgrade the built-in version to
> Hive 4.
> Thanks Peter for recap. The only thing to clarify is Hive 3 Runtime tests
> have never been running while it's irrelevant now.
> There were test failures[1] after upgrading metastore module to Hive 4 so
> I guess it doesn't work yet.
> Moving forward, I agree we should make sure the metastore tests running
> against all Hive versions in use.  However, I'm not sure how to set up
> modules and dependencies given the changes in Hive 4 (thanks Denys). I need
> more experiments to explore various ideas.
> 1.
> https://github.com/apache/iceberg/actions/runs/12339936020/job/34436774628?pr=11750
> Thanks,
> Manu
> On Tue, Jan 7, 2025 at 8:01 PM Denys Kuzmenko <dkuzme...@apache.org>
> wrote:
>> Hi Peter,
>> Re
>> "Hive would provide a HMS client jar which only contains java code which
>> is needed to connect and communicate using Thrift with a HMS instance (no
>> internal HMS server code etc). We could use it as a dependency for our
>> iceberg-hive-metastore module. Either setting a minimal version, or using a
>> shaded embedded version."
>> In Hive-4.x `HiveMetaStoreClient` is shipped within
>> `hive-standalone-metastore-common` jar that has a client code and security:
>> https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.hive/hive-standalone-metastore-common/4.0.1
>> Regards,
>> Denys

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