Thanks a lot for carrying this!

> 1. Which features do we expose in the first release?

No further comments on this. Pyiceberg is currently the sole user of 
pyiceberg_core. I'm willing to meet whatever pyiceberg's needs.

> 2. Should the version of the pyiceberg_core python package be aligned with 
> the version of iceberg-rust crate?

I believe pyiceberg_core should have its own version. The release workflow 
should be very different from the existing Rust workflow, so we don't need to 
align the versions just for this.

> 3. We could publish the initial package manually to unblock PyIceberg, but we 
> should invest in a unified release process on github workflows that publishes 
> all enabled language bindings in the repository together.

Releasing a Rust-core-based Python package manually is very tedious; it's 
better to start with a GitHub workflow from the first version.

I have experience in building OpenDAL Python workflows, and I'm willing to help 
establish the release workflow for PyIceberg Core.


On Tue, Aug 27, 2024, at 22:56, Sung Yun wrote:
> Hi folks,
> We’ve recently had a few discussion threads on components we wanted to expose 
> as Python Bindings from the iceberg-rust project in the form of the 
> "pyiceberg_core" package.
> Now that the Python bindings for the Transforms have been implemented, I 
> wanted to open this thread to discuss the first  'pyiceberg_core' release. 
> Here are some questions I wanted to discuss with the community:
> 1. Which features do we expose in the first release?
> 2. Should the version of the pyiceberg_core python package be aligned with 
> the version of iceberg-rust crate?
> 3. What is the release cadence we want to settle on in the future?
> Here are my answers to the above questions, where my thoughts on the 
> versioning and release process are inspired by the current practice from 
> Apache Arrow community <>:
> 1.  Expose Transforms as Python bindings is ready to release, and we could 
> group in other features if they are also ready: 
> 2. I think we could start with the current rust version (0.3.0). Aligning it 
> with the version of the iceberg-rust crate would make it easier to set up a 
> CI worklow that releases packages for all available bindings from the same 
> trigger.
> 3. We could publish the initial package manually to unblock PyIceberg, but we 
> should invest in a unified release process on github workflows that publishes 
> all enabled language bindings in the repository together.
> I'm excited to hear your thoughts!
> Sung
> Prior Discussion Threads:
> Transforms:
> FileIO:
> PR for exposing transforms as Python bindings: 

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