Hi Micah,

If we go with the approach that type promotion results in a change in the
field-id, what happens when a certain field has been changed
multiple times? Does it mean that we end up with tracking the lineage of
field change history?


On Tue, Aug 20, 2024 at 7:34 AM Micah Kornfield <emkornfi...@gmail.com>

> Hi Ryan,
> Thanks for the reply, responses inline
>>    - How do we keep track of the replaced column? Does it remain in the
>>    schema? Either we would need to keep the old schemas or implement a new
>>    “hidden” column state
>> I don't think this is the case, the function metadata provides all the
> state that is needed but perhaps I'm missing an edge case. In case it helps
> I've included a more complete example at the bottom of the e-mail [1].
>>    - Column predicates would need to be rewritten for older data files
>>    based on the default value for the replacement column
>> Is this for pruning or at data scan time?  At pruning time, I agree, but
> this needs to be the case for changing the type regardless of approach? At
> scan time, I think the same reasoning applies but is likely harder to push
> down so in most cases would be done after converting the old data to the
> new type. One advantage of using a new column is it allows any column to
> have its type changed (whereas the implicit approach we have
> restrictions on columns used in existing transforms).
>>    - This would require some dynamic default code that doesn’t exist but
>>    would amount to projecting the original column and casting it — there’s 
>> not
>>    much of a functional difference besides needing more complex projection
>> I'm not sure I fully understand this statement exactly.  I am
> interpreting it as saying the code required for either approach is a
> similar amount of effort and possibly slightly more for using the explicit
> approach described in my original email. I agree with this, at least for
> whatever the next type promotion is allowed. If we are considering many
> more type promotions I think effort would start to even out. The benefit
> here is it makes things simpler to reason about, adds flexibility and helps
> provide a sanity check on whether type changes were requested instead of
> some sort of missed edge-case.
> I also don’t agree with the expanded definition of type promotion. Type
>> promotion exposes a way to implicitly cast older data to the new type. That
>> doesn’t allow you to choose the string format you want for a date,
> I think this depends on the motivating use-case for the feature and
> the eventual scope of changing types:
> * If this is for CDC then other RDBMS systems allow arbitrary conversion
> of the old column to the new column type (e.g. postgres supports ALTER [
> COLUMN ] column_name [ SET DATA ] TYPE data_type [ COLLATE collation ] [
> USING expression ]). While I don't anticipate getting anywhere that complex
> immediately (maybe ever), I think there are still advantages today to using
> explicit modeling, and it allows for a natural extension point to
> supporting the more complex use-cases.
> *  Will "bytes to string" be a candidate? There are two reasonable
> approaches for underlying data either using hex-encoded value or doing an
> in-place conversion assuming all data is UTF-8?
> *  There is already an existing proposal
> <https://github.com/apache/iceberg/issues/9065> to promote from
> Long->Timestamp [2] which assumes milliseconds.  This seems like an
> arbitrary choice, where one could reasonably have other time granularities
> stored in Long values.
> *  I'd argue that once a schema is going from "any type"->"string",
> something  was fairly wrong with data modelling initially, providing more
> tools to help users fix these types of issues seems beneficial in the long
> run (again not something that needs to be done now but laying the
> ground-work is useful).
> I'll also add that being explicit about explicit transforms can be
> decoupled from using a new ID for the translated field, but it fits less
> nicely because it requires adding an additional attribute just for type
> conversion to schema fields, rather than already using the semantics of
> "initial default".
> it’s a simple and portable translation that should be clearly defined by
>> the format.
> My intent was any functions defined for conversion would be part of the
> specification (not to allow for arbitrary code instantiation) just as
> partition transform functions are defined today.
> Last, I'm happy to write up a more formal doc to carry on the
> conversation, if the trade-offs discussed here seem worthwhile. This might
> help make the conversation easier to follow but I don't want to write
> something up if people don't think it is worth pursuing.
> Thanks,
> Micah
> [1]  More concrete example
> Schema before type alteration:
> {"name": "col_1", "field-id": 1, "type": long}
> Schema after type alteration ("alter col_1 set type string"):
> {"name": "col_1", "field-id": 2, "initial-default": {
>    "function_name": to_string
>    "input_argument": {
>        "column_id": 1,
>        "column_type": long
>    }
> }"}
> While this trivial example seems to make things even more verbose, it is
> important to note that schema changes are generally assumed to be generally
> infrequent, and that most schemas have many more columns.  There is still a
> computational improvement at read time to not having to reparse old-schemas
> to determine the columns type for a historic schema.
> [2] https://github.com/apache/iceberg/issues/9065
> On Mon, Aug 19, 2024 at 1:09 PM Ryan Blue <b...@databricks.com.invalid>
> wrote:
>> I don’t think that type promotion by replacing a column is a good
>> direction to head. Right now we have a fairly narrow problem of not having
>> the original type information for stats. That’s a problem with a fairly
>> simple solution in the long term and it doesn’t require the added
>> complexity of replacing a column:
>>    - How do we keep track of the replaced column? Does it remain in the
>>    schema? Either we would need to keep the old schemas or implement a new
>>    “hidden” column state
>>    - Column predicates would need to be rewritten for older data files
>>    based on the default value for the replacement column
>>    - This would require some dynamic default code that doesn’t exist but
>>    would amount to projecting the original column and casting it — there’s 
>> not
>>    much of a functional difference besides needing more complex projection
>> I also don’t agree with the expanded definition of type promotion. Type
>> promotion exposes a way to implicitly cast older data to the new type. That
>> doesn’t allow you to choose the string format you want for a date, it’s a
>> simple and portable translation that should be clearly defined by the
>> format.
>> I think it makes sense to go with the current way that schemas work and
>> continue to use field IDs to identify columns.
>> Ryan
>> On Mon, Aug 19, 2024 at 9:54 AM Micah Kornfield <emkornfi...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> I think continuing to define type promotion as something that happens
>>> implicitly from the reader perspective has a few issues:
>>> 1.  It makes it difficult to reason about all additional features that
>>> might require stable types to interpret.  Examples of existing filters:
>>> partition statistics file, existing partition data in manifests, existing
>>> statistics values.  Some potential future features/transforms like bloom
>>> filters in manifest files and  default values (e.g. moving from bytes to
>>> strings).
>>> 2.  It lacks flexibility in handling non-obvious transforms (e.g. date
>>> to string, could have many possible formats)
>>> 3.  Some of the typed promotions can overflow, and clients might want to
>>> handle this overflow in a variety of ways (fail on read, cap to largest
>>> allowed value etc).
>>> Instead my preference would be handle new promotions work as follows:
>>> 1. Make any new type promotions require a new field ID.  This means that
>>> type promotion is effectively dropping a field and adding a new one with
>>> the same name. This is nice because it relies on already defined logic for
>>> dropping a column and what is/isn't allowed.
>>> 2.  Modelling, the transformation explicitly as an initial default
>>> converting a column from one column to another.  e.g. a strawman sample
>>> sample of a JSON model to long->string promotion would look like:
>>> "{
>>>    "function_name": to_string
>>>    "input_argument": {
>>>        "column_id": 1
>>>        "column_type": long
>>>    }
>>> }"
>>> This allows leveraging the existing on-going work of default values, and
>>> provides a path forward to:
>>> 1.  Allows using old statistics/partition information to the greatest
>>> extent possible as an optimization, but by default would be correct if
>>> readers choose not to handle this (the only thing that is necessary for
>>> correct results is correct column projection resolution).
>>> 2.  Add additional configuration to functions to handle potential
>>> ambiguities or features the client might want (different date/numeric
>>> formats, how to handle overflow).
>>> 3.  Effectively makes resolution of the metadata constant time
>>> (technically it would be linear in the number of promotions), instead of
>>> requiring parsing/keeping old schemas for metadata about only a few fields.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Micah
>>> On Fri, Aug 16, 2024 at 4:00 PM Ryan Blue <b...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>> I’ve recently been working on updating the spec for new types and type
>>>> promotion cases in v3.
>>>> I was talking to Micah and he pointed out an issue with type promotion:
>>>> the upper and lower bounds for data file columns that are kept in Avro
>>>> manifests don’t have any information about the type that was used to encode
>>>> the bounds.
>>>> For example, when writing to a table with a float column, 4: f, the
>>>> manifest’s lower_bounds and upper_bounds maps will have an entry with
>>>> the type ID (4) as the key and a 4-byte encoded float for the value. If
>>>> column f were later promoted to double, those maps aren’t changed. The
>>>> way we currently detect that the type was promoted is to check the binary
>>>> value and read it as a float if there are 4 bytes instead of 8. This
>>>> prevents us from adding int to double type promotion because when
>>>> there are 4 bytes we would not know whether the value was originally an
>>>> int or a float.
>>>> Several of the type promotion cases from my previous email hit this
>>>> problem. Date/time types to string, int and long to string, and long to
>>>> timestamp are all affected. I think the best path forward is to add fewer
>>>> type promotion cases to v3 and support only these new cases:
>>>>    - int and long to string
>>>>    - date to timestamp
>>>>    - null/unknown to any
>>>>    - any to variant (if supported by the Variant spec)
>>>> That list would allow us to keep using the current strategy and not add
>>>> new metadata to track the type to our manifests. My rationale for not
>>>> adding new information to track the bound types at the time that the data
>>>> file metadata is created is that it would inflate the size of manifests and
>>>> push out the timeline for getting v3 done. Many of us would like to get v3
>>>> released to get the timestamp_ns and variant types out. And if we can get
>>>> at least some of the promotion cases out that’s better.
>>>> To address type promotion in the long term, I think that we should
>>>> consider moving to Parquet manifests. This has been suggested a few times
>>>> so that we can project just the lower and upper bounds that are needed for
>>>> scan planning. That would also fix type promotion because the manifest file
>>>> schema would include full type information for the stats columns. Given the
>>>> complexity of releasing Parquet manifests, I think it makes more sense to
>>>> get a few promotion cases done now in v3 and follow up with the rest in v4.
>>>> Ryan
>>>> --
>>>> Ryan Blue
>> --
>> Ryan Blue
>> Databricks

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