It looks like the design doc from the original email is no longer
available. Could someone fix the permissions?

On Mon, May 20, 2024 at 8:10 AM Jack Ye <> wrote:

> We merged the spec change for content file in
>, the next step is to merge
> the PlanTable and PreplanTable API spec change in
> I guess people were a bit
> busy in the past few weeks due to the Iceberg summit, you should see more
> progress pretty soon!
> Best,
> Jack Ye
> On Sat, May 18, 2024 at 4:05 PM Pucheng Yang <>
> wrote:
>> Hi all,  I wonder if we have a ETA for this change? thanks
>> On Wed, Jan 31, 2024 at 10:30 AM Chertara, Rahil
>> <> wrote:
>>> Sure, I can look into adding this to the spec.
>>> Thanks to everyone for sharing their thoughts, appreciate it!
>>> *From: *Ryan Blue <>
>>> *Reply-To: *"" <>
>>> *Date: *Wednesday, January 31, 2024 at 10:22 AM
>>> *To: *"" <>
>>> *Subject: *RE: [EXTERNAL] Proposal for REST APIs for Iceberg table scans
>>> *CAUTION*: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do
>>> not click links or open attachments unless you can confirm the sender and
>>> know the content is safe.
>>> Looks good to me! Should we get a PR up to add it to the OpenAPI spec?
>>> On Wed, Jan 31, 2024 at 10:16 AM Jack Ye <> wrote:
>>> Sounds good. I don't really have any strong opinions here. So looks like
>>> we are landing on this?
>>> *PreplanTable: POST /v1/namespaces/ns/tables/t/preplan *{ "filter": {
>>> "type": "in", "term": "x", "values": [1, 2, 3] }, "select": ["x", "a.b"] }
>>> { "plan-tasks": [ { ... },  { ... } ] } // opaque object
>>> *PlanTable w/o a plan task: POST /v1/namespaces/ns/tables/t/plan *{
>>> "filter": {"type": "in", "term": "x", "values": [1, 2, 3] }, "select":
>>> ["x", "a.b"] }
>>> { "file-scan-tasks": [ { ... }, { ... } ] } // FileScanTask OpenAPI model
>>> *PlanTable w/ a plan task: POST /v1/namespaces/ns/tables/t/plan *{
>>> "filter": {"type": "in", "term": "x", "values": [1, 2, 3] }, "select":
>>> ["x", "a.b"], "plan-task": { ... } }
>>> { "file-scan-tasks": [ { ... }, { ... } ] }
>>> -Jack
>>> On Wed, Jan 31, 2024 at 10:08 AM Ryan Blue <> wrote:
>>> I agree with Dan. I'd rather have two endpoints instead of needing an
>>> option that changes the behavior entirely in the same route. I don't think
>>> that a `preplan` route would be too bad.
>>> On Wed, Jan 31, 2024 at 9:51 AM Daniel Weeks <> wrote:
>>> I agree with the opaque tokens.
>>> However, I'm concerned we're overloading the endpoint two perform two
>>> distinctly different operations: distribute a plan and scan a plan.
>>> Changing the task-type then changes the behavior and the result.  I feel
>>> it would be more straightforward to separate the distribute and scan
>>> endpoints.  Then clients can call the scan directly if they do not know how
>>> to distribute and the behavior is clear from the REST Specification.
>>> -Dan
>>> On Tue, Jan 30, 2024 at 9:09 PM Jack Ye <> wrote:
>>> +1 for having the opaque plan tasks, that's probably the most flexible
>>> way forward. And let's call them *plan tasks* going forward to
>>> standardize the terminology.
>>> I think the name of the APIs can be determined based on the actual API
>>> shape. For example, if we centralize these 2 plan and pre-plan actions to a
>>> single API endpoint but just requesting different task types:
>>> *pre-plan: POST /v1/namespaces/ns/tables/t/plan *{ "filter": { "type":
>>> "in", "term": "x", "values": [1, 2, 3] }, "select": ["x", "a.b"],
>>> "task-type": "plan-task" }
>>> { "plan-tasks": [ { ... },  { ... } ] }
>>> *plan without a plan-task: POST /v1/namespaces/ns/tables/t/plan *{
>>> "filter": {"type": "in", "term": "x", "values": [1, 2, 3] }, "select":
>>> ["x", "a.b"], "task-type": "file-scan-task" } // file-scan-task should be
>>> the default type
>>> { "file-scan-tasks": [ { ... }, { ... } ] }
>>> *plan with a plan-task: POST /v1/namespaces/ns/tables/t/plan *{
>>> "filter": {"type": "in", "term": "x", "values": [1, 2, 3] }, "select":
>>> ["x", "a.b"], "task-type": "file-scan-task", "plan-task": { ... } }
>>> { "file-scan-tasks": [...] }
>>> In this model, we just have a single API, and we can call it something
>>> like PlanTable or PlanTableScan.
>>> What do you think?
>>> -Jack
>>> On Mon, Jan 29, 2024 at 6:17 PM Renjie Liu <>
>>> wrote:
>>> But to move forward, I think we should go with the option that preserves
>>> flexibility. I think the spec should state that plan tasks (if we call them
>>> that) are a JSON object that should be sent as-is back to the REST service
>>> to be used.
>>> +1 for this.
>>> > One more thing that I would also change is that I don't think the
>>> "plan" and "scan" endpoints make much sense. We refer to the "scan" portion
>>> of this as "planFiles" in the reference implementation, and "scan" is used
>>> for actually reading data. To be less confusing, I think that file scan
>>> tasks should be returned by a "plan" endpoint and the manifest plan tasks
>>> (or shards) should be returned by a "pre-plan" endpoint. Does anyone else
>>> like the names "pre-plan" and "plan" better?
>>> I agree that "scan" may be quite confusing since it's actually planning
>>> file scan. Another options I can provide is: "plan" -> "plan-table-scan",
>>> "scan" -> "plan-file-scan"
>>> On Tue, Jan 30, 2024 at 9:03 AM Ryan Blue <> wrote:
>>> As you noted the main point we still need to decide on is whether to
>>> have a standard "shard" definition (e.g. manifest plan task) or to allow it
>>> to be opaque and specific to catalogs implementing the protocol. I've not
>>> replied because I keep coming back to this decision and I'm not sure
>>> whether the advantage is being clear about how it works (being explicit) or
>>> allowing implementations to differ (opaque). I'm skeptical that there will
>>> be other strategies.
>>> But to move forward, I think we should go with the option that preserves
>>> flexibility. I think the spec should state that plan tasks (if we call them
>>> that) are a JSON object that should be sent as-is back to the REST service
>>> to be used.
>>> One more thing that I would also change is that I don't think the "plan"
>>> and "scan" endpoints make much sense. We refer to the "scan" portion of
>>> this as "planFiles" in the reference implementation, and "scan" is used for
>>> actually reading data. To be less confusing, I think that file scan tasks
>>> should be returned by a "plan" endpoint and the manifest plan tasks (or
>>> shards) should be returned by a "pre-plan" endpoint. Does anyone else like
>>> the names "pre-plan" and "plan" better?
>>> Ryan
>>> On Mon, Jan 29, 2024 at 12:02 PM Chertara, Rahil
>>> <> wrote:
>>> Hi All hope everyone is doing well,
>>> Wanted to revive the discussion around the Rest Table Scan API work. For
>>> a refresher here is the original proposal:
>>> as well as the PR:
>>> From the last messages on the thread, I believe Ryan and Jack were in
>>> favor of having two distinct api endpoints /plan and /scan, as well as a
>>> stricter json definition for the "shard”, here is an example below from
>>> what was discussed.
>>> *POST /v1/namespaces/ns/tables/t/plan *{ "filter": { "type": "in",
>>> "term": "x", "values": [1, 2, 3] }, "select": ["x", "a.b"]}
>>> { "manifest-plan-tasks": [
>>>   { "start": 0, "length": 1000, "manifest": { "path":
>>> "s3://some/manifest.avro", ...}, "delete-manifests": [...] },
>>>   { ... }
>>> ]}
>>> *POST /v1/namespaces/ns/tables/t/scan *{ "filter": {"type": "in",
>>> "term": "x", "values": [1, 2, 3] },
>>>   "select": ["x", "a.b"],
>>>   "manifest-plan-task": { "start": 0, "length": 1000, "manifest": {
>>> "path": "s3://some/manifest.avro", ...}, "delete-manifests": [...] } }
>>> { "file-scan-tasks": [...] }
>>> *POST /v1/namespaces/ns/tables/t/scan *{ "filter": {"type": "in",
>>> "term": "x", "values": [1, 2, 3] }, "select": ["x", "a.b"]}
>>> { "file-scan-tasks": [...] }
>>> However IIRC Micah and Renjie had some concerns around this stricter
>>> structure as this can make it harder to evolve in the future, as well as
>>> some potential scalability challenges for larger tables that have many
>>> manifest files. (Feel free to expand further on the concerns if my
>>> understanding is incorrect).
>>> Would appreciate if the community can leave any more thoughts/feedback
>>> on this thread, as well as on the google doc, and the PR.
>>> Regards,
>>> Rahil Chertara
>>> *From: *Renjie Liu <>
>>> *Reply-To: *"" <>
>>> *Date: *Thursday, December 21, 2023 at 10:35 PM
>>> *To: *"" <>
>>> *Subject: *RE: [EXTERNAL] Proposal for REST APIs for Iceberg table scans
>>> *CAUTION*: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do
>>> not click links or open attachments unless you can confirm the sender and
>>> know the content is safe.
>>> I share the same concern with Micah. The shard detail should be
>>> implementation details of the server, rather than exposing directly to the
>>> client. If the goal is to make things stateless, we just need to attach a
>>> snapshot id + shard id, then a determined algorithm is supposed to give the
>>> same result. Also another concern is for huge analytics tables, we may have
>>> a lot of manifest files, which may lead to large traffic from the rest
>>> server.
>>> On Thu, Dec 21, 2023 at 7:41 AM Micah Kornfield <>
>>> wrote:
>>> Also +1 for having a more strict definition of the shard. Having
>>> arbitrary JSON was basically what we experimented with a string shard ID,
>>> and we ended up with something very similar to the manifest plan task you
>>> describe in the serialized ID string.
>>> IIUC the proposal correctly, I'd actually be -0.0 on the stricter
>>> structure.  I think forcing a contract where it isn't strictly necessary
>>> makes it harder to evolve the system in the future.  For example it makes
>>> it harder to address potential scalability problems in a transparent way
>>> (e.g. extreme edge cases in cardinality between manifest files and delete
>>> files).
>>> It also seems like it might overly constrain implementations (it is not
>>> clear we should need to compute the mapping between delete file manifests
>>> to data file manifests up front to start planning).
>>> On Tue, Dec 19, 2023 at 2:10 PM Jack Ye <> wrote:
>>> +1 for having /plan and /scan, sounds like a good idea to separate those
>>> 2 distinct actions.
>>> Also +1 for having a more strict definition of the shard. Having
>>> arbitrary JSON was basically what we experimented with a string shard ID,
>>> and we ended up with something very similar to the manifest plan task you
>>> describe in the serialized ID string.
>>> So sounds like we are converging to the following APIs:
>>> *POST /v1/namespaces/ns/tables/t/plan *{ "filter": { "type": "in",
>>> "term": "x", "values": [1, 2, 3] }, "select": ["x", "a.b"]}
>>> { "manifest-plan-tasks": [
>>>   { "start": 0, "length": 1000, "manifest": { "path":
>>> "s3://some/manifest.avro", ...}, "delete-manifests": [...] },
>>>   { ... }
>>> ]}
>>> *POST /v1/namespaces/ns/tables/t/scan *{ "filter": {"type": "in",
>>> "term": "x", "values": [1, 2, 3] },
>>>   "select": ["x", "a.b"],
>>>   "manifest-plan-task": { "start": 0, "length": 1000, "manifest": {
>>> "path": "s3://some/manifest.avro", ...}, "delete-manifests": [...] } }
>>> { "file-scan-tasks": [...] }
>>> *POST /v1/namespaces/ns/tables/t/scan *{ "filter": {"type": "in",
>>> "term": "x", "values": [1, 2, 3] }, "select": ["x", "a.b"]}
>>> { "file-scan-tasks": [...] }
>>> If this sounds good overall, we can update the prototype to have more
>>> detailed discussions in code.
>>> -Jack
>>> On Thu, Dec 14, 2023 at 6:10 PM Ryan Blue <> wrote:
>>> The tasks might look something like this:
>>> CombinedPlanTask
>>> - List<ManifestPlanTask>
>>> ManifestPlanTask
>>> - int start
>>> - int length
>>> - ManifestFile dataManifest
>>> - List<ManifestFile> deleteManifests
>>> On Thu, Dec 14, 2023 at 4:07 PM Ryan Blue <> wrote:
>>> Seems like that track has expired (This Internet-Draft will expire on 13
>>> May 2022)
>>> Yeah, looks like we should just use POST. That’s too bad. QUERY seems
>>> like a good idea to me.
>>> Distinguish planning using shard or not
>>> I think this was a mistake on my part. I was still thinking that we
>>> would have a different endpoint for first-level planning to produce shards
>>> and the route to actually get files. Since both are POST requests with the
>>> same path (/v1/namespaces/ns/tables/t/scans) that no longer works. What
>>> about /v1/namespaces/ns/tables/t/scan and
>>> /v1/namespaces/ns/tables/t/plan? The latter could use some variant of
>>> planFiles since that’s what we are wrapping in the Java API.
>>> Necessity of scan ID
>>> Yes, I agree. If you have shard IDs then you don’t really need a scan
>>> ID. You could always have one internally but send it as part of the shard
>>> ID.
>>> Shape of shard payload
>>> I think we have 2 general options depending on how strict we want to be.
>>>    1. Require a standard shard definition
>>>    2. Allow arbitrary JSON and leave it to the service
>>> I lean toward the first option, which would be a data manifest and the
>>> associated delete manifests for the partition. We could also extend that to
>>> a group of manifests, each with a list of delete manifests. And we could
>>> also allow splitting to ensure tasks don’t get too large with big files.
>>> This all looks basically like FileScanTask, but with manifests and delete
>>> manifests.
>>> On Wed, Dec 13, 2023 at 4:39 PM Jack Ye <> wrote:
>>> Seems like that track has expired (This Internet-Draft will expire on 13
>>> May 2022), not sure how these RFCs are managed, but it does not seem
>>> hopeful to have this verb in. I think people are mostly using POST for this
>>> use case already.
>>> But overall I think we are in agreement with the general direction. A
>>> few detail discussions:
>>> *Distinguish planning using shard or not*
>>> Maybe we should add a query parameter like *distributed=true* to
>>> distinguish your first and third case, since they are now sharing the same
>>> signature. If the requester wants to use distributed planning, then some
>>> sharding strategy is provided as a response for the requester to send more
>>> detailed requests.
>>> *Necessity of scan ID*
>>> In this approach, is scan ID still required? Because the shard payload
>>> already fully describes the information to retrieve, it seems like we can
>>> just drop the *scan-id* query parameter in the second case. Seems like
>>> it's kept for the case if we still want to persist some state, but it seems
>>> like we can make a stateless style fully working.
>>> *Shape of shard payload*
>>> What do you think is necessary information of the shard payload? It
>>> seems like we need at least the location of the manifests, plus the delete
>>> manifests or delete files associated with the manifests. I like the idea of
>>> making it a "shard task" that is similar to a file scan task, and it might
>>> allow us to return a mixture of both types of tasks, so we can have better
>>> control of the response size.
>>> -Jack
>>> On Wed, Dec 13, 2023 at 3:50 PM Ryan Blue <> wrote:
>>> I just changed it to POST after looking into support for the QUERY
>>> method. It's a new HTTP method for cases like this where you don't want to
>>> pass everything through query params. Here's the QUERY method RFC
>>> <>,
>>> but I guess it isn't finalized yet?
>>> Just read them like you would a POST request that doesn't actually
>>> create anything.
>>> On Wed, Dec 13, 2023 at 3:45 PM Jack Ye <> wrote:
>>> Thanks, the Gist explains a lot of things. This is actually very close
>>> to our way of implementing the shard ID, we were defining the shard ID as a
>>> string, and the string content is actually something similar to the
>>> information of the JSON payload you showed, so we can persist minimum
>>> information in storage.
>>> Just one clarification needed for your Gist:
>>> > QUERY /v1/namespaces/ns/tables/t/scans?scan-id=1
>>> > { "shard": { "id": 1, "manifests": ["C"] }, "filter": {"type": "in",
>>> "term": "x", "values": [1, 2, 3] } }
>>> >
>>> > { "file-scan-tasks": [...] }
>>> Here, what does this QUERY verb mean? Is that a GET? If it's GET, we
>>> cannot have a request body. That's actually why we expressed that as an ID
>>> string, since we can put it as a query parameter.
>>> -Jack
>>> On Wed, Dec 13, 2023 at 3:25 PM Ryan Blue <> wrote:
>>> Jack,
>>> It sounds like what I’m proposing isn’t quite clear because your initial
>>> response was arguing for a sharding capability. I agree that sharding is a
>>> good idea. I’m less confident about two points:
>>>    1. Requiring that the service is stateful. As Renjie pointed out,
>>>    that makes it harder to scale the service.
>>>    2. The need for both pagination *and* sharding as separate things
>>> And I also think that Fokko has a good point about trying to keep things
>>> simple and not requiring the CreateScan endpoint.
>>> For the first point, I’m proposing that we still have a CreateScan
>>> endpoint, but instead of sending only a list of shard IDs it can also send
>>> either a standard shard “task” or an optional JSON definition. Let’s assume
>>> we can send arbitrary JSON for an example. Say I have a table with 4
>>> manifests, A through D and that C and D match some query filter. When I
>>> call the CreateScan endpoint, the service would send back tasks with
>>> that information: {"id": 1, "manifests": ["C"]}, {"id": 2, "manifests":
>>> ["D"]}. By sending what the shards mean (the manifests to read), my
>>> service can be stateless: any node can get a request for shard 1, read
>>> manifest C, and send back the resulting data files.
>>> I don’t see much of an argument against doing this *in principle*. It
>>> gives you the flexibility to store state if you choose or to send state to
>>> the client for it to pass back when calling the GetTasks endpoint.
>>> There is a practical problem, which is that it’s annoying to send a GET
>>> request with a JSON payload because you can’t send a request body. It’s
>>> probably obvious, but I’m also not a REST purist so I’d be fine using POST
>>> or QUERY for this. It would look something like this Gist
>>> <>.
>>> In your last reply, you also asked whether a stateless service is a
>>> goal. I don’t think that it is, but if we can make simple changes to the
>>> spec to allow more flexibility on the server side, I think that’s a good
>>> direction. You also asked about a reference implementation and I consider
>>> CatalogHandlers
>>> <>
>>> to be that reference. It does everything except for the work done by your
>>> choice of web application framework. It isn’t stateless, but it only relies
>>> on a Catalog implementation for persistence.
>>> For the second point, I don’t understand why we need both sharding and
>>> pagination. That is, if we have a protocol that allows sharding, why is
>>> pagination also needed? From my naive perspective on how sharding would
>>> work, we should be able to use metadata from the manifest list to limit the
>>> potential number of data files in a given shard. As long as we can limit
>>> the size of a shard to produce more, pagination seems like unnecessary
>>> complication.
>>> Lastly, for Fokko’s point, I think another easy extension to the
>>> proposal is to support a direct call to GetTasks. There’s a trade-off
>>> here, but if you’re already sending the original filter along with the
>>> request (in order to filter records from manifest C for instance) then
>>> the request is already something the protocol can express. There’s an
>>> objection concerning resource consumption on the service and creating
>>> responses that are too large or take too long, but we can get around that
>>> by responding with a code that instructs the client to use the
>>> CreateScan API like 413 (Payload too large). I think that would allow
>>> simple clients to function for all but really large tables. The gist above
>>> also shows what this might look like.
>>> Ryan
>>> On Wed, Dec 13, 2023 at 11:53 AM Jack Ye <> wrote:
>>> The current proposal definitely makes the server stateful. In our
>>> prototype we used other components like DynamoDB to keep track of states.
>>> If keeping it stateless is a tenant we can definitely make the proposal
>>> closer to that direction. Maybe one thing to make sure is, is this a core
>>> tenant of the REST spec? Today we do not even have an official reference
>>> implementation of the REST server, I feel it is hard to say what are the
>>> core tenants. Maybe we should create one?
>>> Pagination is a common issue in the REST spec. We also see similar
>>> limitations with other APIs like GetTables, GetNamespaces. When a catalog
>>> has many namespaces and tables it suffers from the same issue. It is also
>>> not ideal for use cases like web browsers, since typically you display a
>>> small page of results and do not need the full list immediately. So I feel
>>> we cannot really avoid some state to be kept for those use cases.
>>> Chunked response might be a good way to work around it. We also thought
>>> about using HTTP2. However, these options seem to be not very compatible
>>> with OpenAPI. We can do some further research in this domain, would really
>>> appreciate it if anyone has more insights and experience with OpenAPI that
>>> can provide some suggestions.
>>> -Jack
>>> On Tue, Dec 12, 2023 at 6:21 PM Renjie Liu <>
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi, Rahi and Jack:
>>> Thanks for raising this.
>>> My question is that the pagination and sharding will make the rest
>>> server stateful, e.g. a sequence of calls is required to go to the same
>>> server. In this case, how do we ensure the scalability of the rest server?
>>> On Wed, Dec 13, 2023 at 4:09 AM Fokko Driesprong <>
>>> wrote:
>>> Hey Rahil and Jack,
>>> Thanks for bringing this up. Ryan and I also discussed this briefly in
>>> the early days of PyIceberg and it would have helped a lot in the speed of
>>> development. We went for the traditional approach because that would also
>>> support all the other catalogs, but now that the REST catalog is taking
>>> off, I think it still makes a lot of sense to get it in.
>>> I do share the concern raised Ryan around the concepts of shards and
>>> pagination. For PyIceberg (but also for Go, Rust, and DuckDB) that are
>>> living in a single process today the concept of shards doesn't add value. I
>>> see your concern with long-running jobs, but for the non-distributed cases,
>>> it will add additional complexity.
>>> Some suggestions that come to mind:
>>>    - Stream the tasks directly back using a chunked response, reducing
>>>    the latency to the first task. This would also solve things with the
>>>    pagination. The only downside I can think of is having delete files where
>>>    you first need to make sure there are deletes relevant to the task, this
>>>    might increase latency to the first task.
>>>    - Making the sharding optional. If you want to shard you call the
>>>    CreateScan first and then call the GetScanTask with the IDs. If you don't
>>>    want to shard, you omit the shard parameter and fetch the tasks directly
>>>    (here we need also replace the scan string with the full
>>>    column/expression/snapshot-id etc).
>>> Looking forward to discussing this tomorrow in the community sync
>>> <>!
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Fokko
>>> Op ma 11 dec 2023 om 19:05 schreef Jack Ye <>:
>>> Hi Ryan, thanks for the feedback!
>>> I was a part of this design discussion internally and can provide more
>>> details. One reason for separating the CreateScan operation was to make the
>>> API asynchronous and thus keep HTTP communications short. Consider the case
>>> where we only have GetScanTasks API, and there is no shard specified. It
>>> might take tens of seconds, or even minutes to read through all the
>>> manifest list and manifests before being able to return anything. This
>>> means the HTTP connection has to remain open during that period, which is
>>> not really a good practice in general (consider connection failure, load
>>> balancer and proxy load, etc.). And when we shift the API to asynchronous,
>>> it basically becomes something like the proposal, where a stateful ID is
>>> generated to be able to immediately return back to the client, and the
>>> client get results by referencing the ID. So in our current prototype
>>> implementation we are actually keeping this ID and the whole REST service
>>> is stateful.
>>> There were some thoughts we had about the possibility to define a "shard
>>> ID generator" protocol: basically the client agrees with the service a way
>>> to deterministically generate shard IDs, and service uses it to create
>>> shards. That sounds like what you are suggesting here, and it pushes the
>>> responsibility to the client side to determine the parallelism. But in some
>>> bad cases (e.g. there are many delete files and we need to read all those
>>> in each shard to apply filters), it seems like there might still be the
>>> long open connection issue above. What is your thought on that?
>>> -Jack
>>> On Sun, Dec 10, 2023 at 10:27 AM Ryan Blue <> wrote:
>>> Rahil, thanks for working on this. It has some really good ideas that we
>>> hadn't considered before like a way for the service to plan how to break up
>>> the work of scan planning. I really like that idea because it makes it much
>>> easier for the service to keep memory consumption low across requests.
>>> My primary feedback is that I think it's a little too complicated (with
>>> both sharding and pagination) and could be modified slightly so that the
>>> service doesn't need to be stateful. If the service isn't necessarily
>>> stateful then it should be easier to build implementations.
>>> To make it possible for the service to be stateless, I'm proposing that
>>> rather than creating shard IDs that are tracked by the service, the
>>> information for a shard can be sent to the client. My assumption here is
>>> that most implementations would create shards by reading the manifest list,
>>> filtering on partition ranges, and creating a shard for some reasonable
>>> size of manifest content. For example, if a table has 100MB of metadata in
>>> 25 manifests that are about 4 MB each, then it might create 9 shards with
>>> 1-4 manifests each. The service could send those shards to the client as a
>>> list of manifests to read and the client could send the shard information
>>> back to the service to get the data files in each shard (along with the
>>> original filter).
>>> There's a slight trade-off that the protocol needs to define how to
>>> break the work into shards. I'm interested in hearing if that would work
>>> with how you were planning on building the service on your end. Another
>>> option is to let the service send back arbitrary JSON that would get
>>> returned for each shard. Either way, I like that this would make it so the
>>> service doesn't need to persist anything. We could also make it so that
>>> small tables don't require multiple requests. For example, a client could
>>> call the route to get file tasks with just a filter.
>>> What do you think?
>>> Ryan
>>> On Fri, Dec 8, 2023 at 10:41 AM Chertara, Rahil
>>> <> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> My name is Rahil Chertara, and I’m a part of the Iceberg team at Amazon
>>> EMR and Athena. I’m reaching out to share a proposal for a new Scan API
>>> that will be utilized by the RESTCatalog. The process for table scan
>>> planning is currently done within client engines such as Apache Spark. By
>>> moving scan functionality to the RESTCatalog, we can integrate Iceberg
>>> table scans with external services, which can lead to several benefits.
>>> For example, we can leverage caching and indexes on the server side to
>>> improve planning performance. Furthermore, by moving this scan logic to the
>>> RESTCatalog, non-JVM engines can integrate more easily. This all can be
>>> found in the detailed proposal below. Feel free to comment, and add your
>>> suggestions .
>>> Detailed proposal:
>>> Github POC:
>>> Regards,
>>> Rahil Chertara
>>> Amazon EMR & Athena
>>> --
>>> Ryan Blue
>>> Tabular
>>> --
>>> Ryan Blue
>>> Tabular
>>> --
>>> Ryan Blue
>>> Tabular
>>> --
>>> Ryan Blue
>>> Tabular
>>> --
>>> Ryan Blue
>>> Tabular
>>> --
>>> Ryan Blue
>>> Tabular
>>> --
>>> Ryan Blue
>>> Tabular
>>> --
>>> Ryan Blue
>>> Tabular

Ryan Blue

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