Hi JP,

I took a look at the form responses so far and we’ve gotten a few already so it seems to be working. The form does require sign-in to a Google account to prevent accidental resubmissions. Hopefully it starts working for you!

You can contact me directly via email or slack if you need me to enter in the info manually.


On May 31, 2024, at 9:47 AM, Du Junping <dujunp...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Jonathan,
    I would like to join the meetup but the link above seems to be ready-only that I cannot submit information. Would you check again for the link?



Jonathan Leang <leangjonat...@gmail.com> 于2024年5月31日周五 07:58写道:
Hi everyone,

We're continuing to do monthly community meetups in the Seattle area! Details are below:

Come meet folks working with Apache Iceberg and Open Table Formats and learn about new developments in the space. Also, join #meetup-seattle slack channel for updates on future events.

We will be hosting the event on June 25th from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM in Bellevue. Please RSVP using this link: <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSepaPkhZarsKKyIaEazCHja48UOmlGpinUm14p2fCqjqxUuyQ/viewform>

In this meetup we are looking to host two talks, so if you're working on something or want to share an idea please respond in the form before June 11th.

See you there!
Jonathan Leang

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