Hi everyone, This week we've discovered a serious bug that causes pyiceberg fail to create version 1 table with non-empty partition-spec and sort-order <https://github.com/apache/iceberg-python/pull/544>. According to the discussion in today's iceberg python sync meeting, we plan to do a quick patch release to get this fix out to the public. I'm happy to run this release. I've added 7 PRs to the 0.6.1 milestone <https://github.com/apache/iceberg-python/milestone/5?closed=1> .Please let me know if there are any open or closed PRs that should be added to/removed from the milestone.
I'll cherry-pick them to pyiceberg-0.6.x <https://github.com/apache/iceberg-python/tree/pyiceberg-0.6.x> branch and start a release from there by the end of this week. Thanks, Honah