
I'm ok with putting things back in Iceberg repo, it gets more visbility
on prs.  I guess it used to be a bit distracting, but now with more
projects in Iceberg (pyiceberg, rust) we have to anyway use tags to filter
through all the mails.

Just wanted to +1 on Fokko/Ryan suggestion to avoid versioned doc
directories, I had a lot of difficulties in this part doing the last
release: https://github.com/apache/iceberg/issues/8151 , as did Anton when
I consulted him offline.

For me, replacing the 'latest' branch with a tag would be the biggest win
as it caused me the most trouble.  If we can avoid versioned docs and use
tags across the board, that would be even better, I do think all the
versions are already tagged in Github on every release, if that is your


On Thu, Jul 27, 2023 at 2:31 AM Brian Olsen <bitsondata...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks Fokko,
> Yeah, I think tío address that we would need to switch to a tagging that
> prefixes the different project name as a namespace within the tags space
> (e.g. pyIceberg-0.4.0, rust-0.0.1, etc…). But certainly this would result
> in an explosion of tags as we continue to introduce more projects. I’m not
> sure if this makes it difficult to find things as long as you start to
> search the prefix in GitHub it should be easy enough to find. Has anyone
> else worked on a project where this type of tagging is applied? Are their
> any performance, searching, or other implications we are missing?
> Bits
> On Thu, Jul 27, 2023 at 4:18 AM Fokko Driesprong <fo...@apache.org> wrote:
>> Hey Brian,
>> Thanks for raising this. As a release manager, I can confirm that the
>> current structure is confusing, and I can also see the community
>> struggling with this because they are willing to contribute to the docs,
>> but cannot always find the place where to do this. I think the complexity
>> of the current website mostly comes from the versioned docs. It would be
>> great if we can find a way to make this easier. Instead of using the
>> branches, we could also use the release tags and build the docs for those
>> versions.
>> I think switching to mkdocs-material is a great idea. We currently also
>> use this for PyIceberg, and it works really well. My main concern is around
>> merging everything together. Should we combine Java and Python in the same
>> documentation? They have a different versioning scheme, so that would
>> create a matrix of versions. Go and Rust
>> <https://github.com/apache/iceberg-rust/issues/8> is also in the making,
>> so that would explode at some point.
>> Cheers, Fokko
>> Ps. Currently, PyIceberg uses the gh-pages branch for publishing the docs
>> <https://github.com/apache/iceberg/tree/gh-pages>.
>> Op do 27 jul 2023 om 00:04 schreef Brian Olsen <bitsondata...@gmail.com>:
>>> Hey all,
>>> I have some proposals I'd like to make to fixing the docs. I would want
>>> to do this in two phases.
>>> The first phase I'm proposing that we locate all the documentation
>>> (reference docs, website, and pyIceberg) back into the apache/iceberg
>>> repository. I explain my reasoning in the attached document. This phase
>>> would also update us from Hugo to MkDocs but keep all the content the same.
>>> The second phase, is focused on iteratively building out the content
>>> that we've marked missing in some the proposal that Sam R. created along
>>> with a recent community member, Mahfuza. We will also restructure the
>>> content to following the diátaxis method (https://diataxis.fr/).
>>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WJXzcwC6isfoywcLY2lZ9gZN6i0JU1I2SIZmCkumbZc/edit#heading=h.gli9mc2ghfz1
>>> Let me know what you think and bring on the questions and criticisms
>>> please! :)
>>> Bits

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