Another follow-up regarding this : *"Merge strategy that does not do any
bin-packing, and only merges the delete files for each data file and writes
it back. The new data file will have the same sequence number as the old
file before Merge"* ; shouldn't the sequence number be set to the highest
sequence number of any applied delete file to the data file. If the
sequence number of the data file is not changed at-all, wouldn't subsequent
reads re-apply the delete files which were used in the merge as well?


On Mon, Nov 1, 2021 at 2:41 PM Puneet Zaroo <> wrote:

> I had a few follow-up points.
> 1 *"(1) for hot partitions, users can try to only perform Convert and
> Rewrite to keep delete file sizes and count manageable, until the partition
> becomes cold and a Merge can be performed safely.".* : I believe for the
> CDC use case it is hard to guarantee that  that partitions will turn cold
> and can be merged without conflicts, as 'hotness' is a factor of mutation
> rate in the source DB; and perhaps some partitions are always "hot"; so in
> essence the following:  *"Merge strategy that does not do any
> bin-packing, and only merges the delete files for each data file and writes
> it back. The new data file will have the same sequence number as the old
> file before Merge"* seems important. Though as a follow-up I am wondering
> why can't this strategy do bin-packing or sorting as well; if that is
> required; as long as the sequence number is not updated.
> 2 *"During the commit validation phase of a Merge operation, we need to
> verify that for each data file that would be removed, there are no new
> position deletes with higher sequence number added."* : Just to be clear;
> for the tables only being written into by a Flink CDC pipeline, this should
> not happen as position deletes are only created for in-progress
> (uncommitted) data files, correct ?
> Thanks and regards,
> - Puneet
> On Thu, Oct 21, 2021 at 10:54 PM Jack Ye <> wrote:
>> Had some offline discussions on Slack and WeChat.
>> For Russell's point, we are reconfirming with related people on Slack,
>> and will post updates once we have an agreement.
>> Regarding point 6, for Flink CDC the data file flushed to disk might be
>> associated with position deletes, but after the flush all deletes will be
>> equality deletes, so 6-2 still works. After all, as long as data files for
>> position deletes are not removed, the process should be able to succeed
>> with optimistic retry. Currently we are missing the following that needs to
>> be worked on to resolve the CDC performance issue:
>> 1. We need to support setting the sequence number for individual content
>> files.
>> 2. During the commit validation phase of a Merge operation, we need to
>> verify that for each data file that would be removed, there are no new
>> position deletes with higher sequence number added. If detected, merge of
>> that file has to be completely retried (we can support incremental progress
>> for this).
>> -Jack
>> On Thu, Oct 21, 2021 at 7:58 PM Russell Spitzer <
>>> wrote:
>>> I think I understood the Rewrite strategy discussion a little differently
>>> Binpack Strategy and SortStrategy each get a new flag which lets you
>>> pick files based on their number of delete files. So basically you can set
>>> a variety of parameters, small files, large files, files with deletes etc
>>> ...
>>> A new strategy is added which determines which file to rewrite by
>>> looking for all files currently touched by delete files. Instead of looking
>>> through files with X deletes, we look up all files affected by deletes and
>>> rewrite them. Although now as I write this it's basically running the above
>>> strategies with number of delete files >= 1 and files per group at 1. So
>>> maybe it doesn't need another strategy?
>>> But maybe I got that wrong ...
>>> On Thu, Oct 21, 2021 at 8:39 PM Jack Ye <> wrote:
>>>> Thanks to everyone who came to the meeting.
>>>> Here is the full meeting recording I made:
>>>> Here are some key takeaways:
>>>> 1. we generally agreed upon the division of compactions into Rewrite,
>>>> Convert and Merge.
>>>> 2. Merge will be implemented through RewriteDataFiles as proposed in
>>>>, but instead as a new
>>>> strategy by extending the existing BinPackStrategy. For users who would
>>>> also like to run sort during Merge, we will have another delete strategy
>>>> that extends the SortStrategy.
>>>> 3. Merge can have an option that allows users to set the minimum
>>>> numbers of delete files to trigger a compaction. However, that would result
>>>> in very frequent compaction of full partition if people add many global
>>>> delete files. A Convert of global equality deletes to partition
>>>> position deletes while maintaining the same sequence number can be used to
>>>> solve the issue. Currently there is no way to write files with a custom
>>>> sequence number. This functionality needs to be added.
>>>> 4. we generally agreed upon the APIs for Rewrite and Convert at
>>>> 5. we had some discussion around the separation of row and partition
>>>> level filters. The general direction in the meeting is to just have a
>>>> single filter method. We will sync offline to reach an agreement.
>>>> 6. people raised the issue that if new delete files are added to a data
>>>> file while a Merge is going on, then the Merge would fail. That causes huge
>>>> performance issues for CDC streaming use cases and Merge is very hard to
>>>> succeed. There are 2 proposed solutions:
>>>>   (1) for hot partitions, users can try to only perform Convert and
>>>> Rewrite to keep delete file sizes and count manageable, until the partition
>>>> becomes cold and a Merge can be performed safely.
>>>>   (2) it looks like we need a Merge strategy that does not do any
>>>> bin-packing, and only merges the delete files for each data file and writes
>>>> it back. The new data file will have the same sequence number as the old
>>>> file before Merge. By doing so, new delete files can still be applied
>>>> safely and the compaction can succeed without concerns around conflict. The
>>>> caveat is that this does not work for position deletes because the row
>>>> position changes for each file after Merge. But for the CDC streaming use
>>>> case it is acceptable to only write equality deletes, so this looks like a
>>>> feasible approach.
>>>> 7. people raised the concern about the memory consumption issue for the
>>>> is_deleted metadata column. We ran out of time and will continue the
>>>> discussion offline on Slack.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Jack Ye
>>>> On Mon, Oct 18, 2021 at 7:50 PM Jack Ye <> wrote:
>>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>>> We are planning to have a meeting to discuss the design of Iceberg
>>>>> delete compaction on Thursday 5-6pm PDT. The meeting link is
>>>>> We have also created the channel #compaction on Slack, please join the
>>>>> channel for daily discussions if you are interested in the progress.
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Jack Ye
>>>>> On Tue, Sep 28, 2021 at 10:23 PM Jack Ye <> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>>>> As there are more and more people adopting the v2 spec, we are seeing
>>>>>> an increasing number of requests for delete compaction support.
>>>>>> Here is a document discussing the use cases and basic interface
>>>>>> design for it to get the community aligned around what compactions we 
>>>>>> would
>>>>>> offer and how the interfaces would be divided:
>>>>>> Any feedback would be appreciated!
>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>> Jack Ye

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