Hi Casey,

1. Personally I don't know any other implementation than in the repository
itself, so JVM and Python.
2. There aren't any limitations. Most of the underlying tech used is
compatible with many languages. One thing to keep in mind is that you
should be able to read Avro files, which are also available in many
languages. Apart from that, the data itself is written in Avro/Parquet/ORC
which is also widely used and supported.

I've been working on an Apache Beam implementation (very early stage),
which also has a Go API. But that will take some time to get it to a
certain maturity level. Hope this helps!

Cheers, Fokko

Op zo 3 jan. 2021 om 19:39 schreef Casey Lucas <casey.lu...@dynata.com>:

> I'm just learning about Iceberg. Thanks for the work that has gone into it
> thus far. It seems like a promising technology.
> I understand why the core implementation is Java based and saw that there
> are some aspects of the spec implemented in Python.
> 1. Is anyone aware of implementations in other languages such as go?
> 2. Is there anything that would fundamentally limit the use of other
> implementations being able to read and write Iceberg data that is also
> being manipulated by the JVM implementation? I assume no based on reading
> the spec, but any insight is appreciated.
> I'm curious if reading and writing Iceberg data from a spec-compliant
> implementation without necessarily involving Presto or Spark is an expected
> use-case.
> Thanks,
> Casey Lucas
> Director, Engineering
> dynata.com
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