
Oleg Kalnichevski commented on HTTPCORE-781:

[~juliojgd] Could you please refer me to the section of RFC 9112 that mandates 
or even recommends support for gzip transfer coding. According to my 
interpretation of the spec only chunk transfer coding is mandatory. The example 
you are referring to may as well be 
Transfer-Encoding: foo, bar, chunked
Presently HttpCore does not support gzip transfer coding and I see no point 
implementing it as it is completely useless. One can easily use gzip content 
coding instead if desired.


> DefaultContentLengthStrategy does not conform to RFC 9112 regarding 
> Transfer-encoding HTTP header
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: HTTPCORE-781
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HTTPCORE-781
>             Project: HttpComponents HttpCore
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: HttpCore
>    Affects Versions: 5.3.3
>            Reporter: Julio J. Gomez Diaz
>            Priority: Major
> I noticed that changes for 5.3.x in class 
> "org.apache.hc.core5.http.impl.DefaultContentLengthStrategy" (this commit: 
> [https://github.com/apache/httpcomponents-core/commit/7fea9ef7fa2be53a7631aad9bb484db7347667be#diff-385ee34bb5e36b01eb7c355de9557d7f830ba5a202f156057ac3559507ea5c7aR44-R68]
>  ) are not compliant to what is described in RFC 9112 section 6.1 ( 
> [https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9112.html#section-6.1] ) at least in this 
> example, presented in the RFC section as a VALID example: 
> {code:java}
> Transfer-Encoding: gzip, chunked{code}
> With 5.3.x it fails throwing an exception via this line:
> {code:java}
>  throw new NotImplementedException("Unsupported transfer encoding: " + 
> teh.getValue());{code}
> effectively printing in the stack trace:
> "Unsupported transfer encoding: gzip,chunked"

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