Xintong Song created FLINK-37032: ------------------------------------ Summary: Prepare Flink 2.0 Release Key: FLINK-37032 URL: Project: Flink Issue Type: New Feature Components: Release System Affects Versions: 1.20.0 Reporter: Weijie Guo Assignee: Weijie Guo Fix For: 1.20.0
This umbrella issue is meant as a test balloon for moving the [release documentation|] into Jira. h3. Prerequisites h4. Environment Variables Commands in the subtasks might expect some of the following enviroment variables to be set accordingly to the version that is about to be released: {code:bash} RELEASE_VERSION="1.5.0" SHORT_RELEASE_VERSION="1.5" CURRENT_SNAPSHOT_VERSION="$SHORT_RELEASE_VERSION-SNAPSHOT" NEXT_SNAPSHOT_VERSION="1.6-SNAPSHOT" SHORT_NEXT_SNAPSHOT_VERSION="1.6" {code} h4. Build Tools All of the following steps require to use Maven 3.8.6 and Java 8. Modify your PATH environment variable accordingly if needed. h4. Flink Source * Create a new directory for this release and clone the Flink repository from Github to ensure you have a clean workspace (this step is optional). * RunĀ {{mvn -Prelease clean install}} to ensure that the build processes that are specific to that profile are in good shape (this step is optional). The rest of this instructions assumes that commands are run in the root (or {{./tools}} directory) of a repository on the branch of the release version with the above environment variables set. -- This message was sent by Atlassian Jira (v8.20.10#820010)