Hi Devs, Weijie Guo and I would like to initiate a discussion about FLIP-499: Support Event Time by Generalized Watermark in DataStream V2 <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-499%3A+Support+Event+Time+by+Generalized+Watermark+in+DataStream+V2> [1].
Event time is a fundamental feature of Flink that has been widely adopted. For instance, the Window operator can determine whether to trigger a window based on event time, and users can register timer using the event time. FLIP-467[2] introduces the Generalized Watermark in DataStream V2, enabling users to define specific events that can be emitted from a source or other operators, propagate along the streams, received by downstream operators, and aligned during propagation. Within this framework, the traditional (event-time) Watermark can be viewed as a special instance of the Generalized Watermark already provided by Flink. To make it easy for users to use event time in DataStream V2, this FLIP will implement event time extension in DataStream V2 based on Generalized Watermark. For more details, please refer to FLIP-499 [1]. We look forward to your feedback. Best, Xu Huang [1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/pQz0Ew [2] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/oA6TEg