Hi, I have a proposal for a Flink operator change – but I’m unsure whether it’s 
a) valuable, and b) large enough for a FLIP vs a Jira issue.


  *   I am using a selection of connectors that will communicate via TLS
  *   I would like to be able to connect to both internal and external services 
(i.e some use company issued certificates, others are signed by public 
  *   I don’t want to have to configure each connector with PEM certificates 
(and then edit the program whenever a certificate expires)

The problem is that all I believe I can do is override the Flink JVM truststore 
to point to a truststore with the internal CA certificates:

env.java.opts.taskmanager: >-
   -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=<chosen password>
env.java.opts.jobmanager: >-
   -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=<chosen password>

The problem here is that it overrides the default cacerts truststore in Java – 
so I cannot connect to externally signed endpoints.

I know that I can merge cacerts and my truststore into a new truststore as a 
manual process. But it means that I have to remember to extract the cacerts 
every time I have a minor java change.

Proposed scenario:

  *   New property on the CR for a secret containing an “external truststore” 
(possibly an “external keystore” as well for MTLS)
  *   The flink operator deploys Flink with an init container and mounts the 
  *   The init container then combines the default cacerts on the Flink 
job/task manager with the “external truststore” and supplies that to the Flink 

This means that you can enable connecting to both internal and externally 
signed endpoints from a Flink job.

Thoughts as to whether this is big enough for a FLIP (if valuable)?


Nic Townsend
IBM Event Processing
Senior Engineer / Technical Lead

Slack: @nictownsend

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