Hello, Would it be possible for 1.20.1 to restore compatibility with Logback (FLINK-36104)? I didn't see it get any attention, and it breaks deployments / tests with MiniCluster that use Logback.
Kind regards, Piotr Przybylski On 2024/11/22 14:41:21 Alexander Fedulov wrote: > Hi everyone, > > I would like to discuss creating the first patch release for 1.20. This > version was released almost 4 months ago, and more than 70 commits have > accumulated since then [1]. > > If there are no objections to the release, I would like to volunteer as the > release manager. > > Best regards, > Alex > > [1] https://github.com/apache/flink/compare/release-1.20.0...release-1.20 >