Hi Roman!

> 1. Should it list the events that would be emitted in the first version?
> If not as part of the proposed change, then maybe as examples

I've added a brief list of events that will be added in the first version.

> 2. Interface Event - Scope
> It's scope is explicitly tied to a Class which limits flexibility. I can
> imagine alternative usages of scope, for example scope="job-lifecycle" or
> scope="task-manager".
> It also adds a barrier to rename or move classes.
> So I'd remove the mention of Class.

That might have been a good idea, however this is consistent with the
already pre-existing traces/`SpanBuilder`.
I'm not sure what you would propose in this context? Make those two places

> 3. Interface Event - Body
> Can you explain the purpose of this property?
> In my opinion, most information about an event can be stored in its
> except for when it's used by Flink itself; or is very common.

This introduced to fill in Otel's Body field


czw., 14 lis 2024 o 11:03 Roman Khachatryan <ro...@apache.org> napisał(a):

> Hi Piotr, thanks for the proposal!
> I think this would be a very valuable addition to Flink as it would
> simplify operations a lot
> (disclaimer: we already use it in our internal Flink version)
> I have a couple of remarks regarding the FLIP:
> 1. Should it list the events that would be emitted in the first version?
> If not as part of the proposed change, then maybe as examples
> 2. Interface Event - Scope
> It's scope is explicitly tied to a Class which limits flexibility. I can
> imagine alternative usages of scope, for example scope="job-lifecycle" or
> scope="task-manager".
> It also adds a barrier to rename or move classes.
> So I'd remove the mention of Class.
> 3. Interface Event - Body
> Can you explain the purpose of this property?
> In my opinion, most information about an event can be stored in its
> attributes,
> except for when it's used by Flink itself; or is very common.
> Regards,
> Roman
> On Thu, Nov 7, 2024 at 2:35 PM Piotr Nowojski <piotr.nowoj...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Hi all!
> >
> > I would like to open up for the discussion a new FLIP [1]
> >
> > Motivation
> >
> > Currently, Flink observability has support for Metrics and Traces. We
> > suggest enhancing the observability capabilities by adding support for
> > Events. This can be used to track the most important events that happen
> in
> > Flink, e.g. completed checkpoints or changes to the job’s state. Storing
> > such information, e.g. in an event log or a database, would allow us to
> > create a history of those events which can be used for audit purposes or
> to
> > derive important information like, for example, job uptime/downtime or
> > violations of required checkpoint completion times.
> >
> > For more information please look into the FLIP [1].
> >
> > I'm looking forward to your thoughts on this.
> >
> > Best,
> > Piotrek
> >
> > [1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/3IyMEw
> >

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