Hi again, A friendly nudge – any thoughts from the community? Kind regards, David.
From: David Radley <david_rad...@uk.ibm.com> Date: Thursday, 21 November 2024 at 17:17 To: dev@flink.apache.org <dev@flink.apache.org> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Plans for JDBC connector for 1.20? Hi, Is there a plan to release the JDBC for Flink 1.20? Apologies if this is already in hand, I could not find anything: * I notice that the last JDBC connector content corresponding to Flink 1.19 contained minimal content. * The main branch – now has a pom with 1.20 and contains a massive amount of content compared to 1.19, which has minimal cherry picked fixes in. * So the worry is that we have a large amount of unshipped code in main, amplified by the fact that there is introduces support for many new databases. * The latest code appears to have open lineage support with https://github.com/apache/flink-connector-jdbc/pull/137 so I assume the main code is now not compatible with Flink 1.19 Thinking about how to move this forward. Some options: 1. I am wondering is there an appetite to cut main into a new 1.20 compatible release pretty much as-is 2. We could do a 1.19 and 1.20 compatible release like the Kafka connector 3.3 and a 1.20 open lineage release like the Kafka connector 3.4, with minimal critical backported fixes. I am keen to do option 1), as the main code will otherwise continue to diverse from what we release. I wonder what manual per database testing would be required; to reassure us all the new database support actually works. Or is the existing automated testing enough? If we get some consensus on approach, I can help drive this, as this is going to be an inhibitor for many of us in the community to migrate to Flink 1.20 and subsequently to Flink v2. Kind regards, David. Unless otherwise stated above: IBM United Kingdom Limited Registered in England and Wales with number 741598 Registered office: Building C, IBM Hursley Office, Hursley Park Road, Winchester, Hampshire SO21 2JN Unless otherwise stated above: IBM United Kingdom Limited Registered in England and Wales with number 741598 Registered office: Building C, IBM Hursley Office, Hursley Park Road, Winchester, Hampshire SO21 2JN