Hi all,
We had good attendance for the kick off meeting for the Community Health 
Initiative technical debt workgroup.
We talked of our goals being:

  *   High level, remove the need for the workgroup and run as BAU
  *   Improve new contributor experience by getting prompt responses to issues 
and PRs, such that PRs are merged in a timely manner.
  *   Pragmatically address unmerged PR backlog considering

     *   Recent ones ( to stay on top of incoming PRs and helping new 
     *   High / critical blocking ones
     *   One that just should be merged.

  *   Pragmatically address issue backlog, especially criticals and blockers
Metrics to be decided but based on

  *   Number of unmerged PRs query
  *   Number of Jira criticals and blockers query.
Ideas for Weekly content

  *   Logistics. We thought there seems enough need to run a US and a far east 
times. We we thought of Thursday 8AM GMT and 5PM GMT on alternate weeks.
  *   Theme each week

     *   Docs
     *   Unmerged recent prs (we will start with these next week)
     *   Other low hanging fruit that could just be merged
     *   Critical / blocking Jira issues

  *   Assess after 2 or 3 weeks to see if the meeting format is working and we 
are getting PRs merged, closed and issues moved on.
·         First working meeting 21st of November 8AM GMT.
@Robert Metzger<mailto:rmetz...@apache.org> mentioned to me after the meeting 
that he and other PMCs will join the meetings when possible. Robert is looking 
to attend the next meeting on the 21st.
We are all hoping to appropriately take some of this work from committers / PMC 
members to relieve some of the burden and make this is a win for everyone 😊 .
   Kind regards,   David.

From: David Radley <david_rad...@uk.ibm.com<mailto:david_rad...@uk.ibm.com>>
Date: Wednesday, 13 November 2024 at 10:48
To: dev@flink.apache.org<mailto:dev@flink.apache.org> 
Subject: FW: [EXTERNAL] Re: Flink technical debt.
Hi all,
Yes Jim – 11:30 AM GMT.

Sorry this is not very US friendly, I am trying to accommodate a few Indian 
colleagues who are interested. Would other people in the community want a USA 
time zone friendly meeting?

I agree the build time is important. In the spirit of Apache to “scratch your 
own itch”. I suggest raising a proposal on the dev list / issues for this. I am 
not sure what easy wins there are here; on a previous open source project we 
moved from Maven to Gradle, and build  time improved substantially.

My main focus (my itch) is to address the technical debt backlogs we have.

The Teams meeting details for 11:30 AM GMT November the 14th kick off meeting 

Join the meeting 
Meeting ID: 242 656 143 640
Passcode: QmdKiq
Dial in by phone
+44 20 4551 1967,,201596923#<tel:+442045511967,,201596923> United Kingdom, City 
of London
Find a local 
Phone conference ID: 201 596 923#
Join on a video conferencing device
Tenant key: i...@m.webex.com<mailto:i...@m.webex.com>
Video ID: 116 500 390 3

Kind regards, David.

From: Jim Hughes <jhug...@confluent.io.INVALID>
Date: Tuesday, 12 November 2024 at 03:03
To: dev@flink.apache.org<mailto:dev@flink.apache.org> 
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: Flink technical debt.
Hi David,

I know finding a meeting time will be very hard; I am on the East coast of
the US.

Do you mean 11:30 AM or PM?  (I assume AM.). If there are others in the US,
we can work async or maybe there could be separate meetings for different

In case I cannot attend, I'd like to suggest that one focus could be
improving the build time.  If we reduce the build time first, it should
make committing other changes faster/easier.

Separately, if we could find some ways to prevent flaky tests from outright
failing the build, that would also speed up the process of contributing.



On Mon, Nov 11, 2024 at 5:51 PM David Radley 

> Hello everyone,
> I would like to have a kickoff meeting this week for us all to meet.
> In general, I would like these meeting to be working meetings. But for
> this first meeting I would like to discuss and agree:
>   *   Goals
>   *   Metrics
>   *   Ongoing meeting structure and timing
> I will collate any material from before the meeting on these areas and
> briefly present so we can discuss.
> We have a lot of people in Europe and India, who have expressed an
> interest. This first meeting will be on
> Thursday 14th of November 11:30 GMT for 30 minutes. I will advise on the
> web link in a later email.
> I hope this works for everyone / most people, let me know if there are any
> issues,
>     Kind regards, David.
> From: Nic Townsend <nictowns...@uk.ibm.com<mailto:nictowns...@uk.ibm.com>>
> Date: Thursday, 7 November 2024 at 17:26
> To: dev@flink.apache.org<mailto:dev@flink.apache.org> 
> <dev@flink.apache.org<mailto:dev@flink.apache.org>>
> Subject: [EXTERNAL] RE: Flink technical debt.
> Hi Robert, David
> I am very much interested in a backlog review call – personally for two
> reasons:
>   1.  Learning a bit more about the state of Flink, understanding how each
> issue would be triaged (and understanding what/why the severity is)
>   2.  Seeing if there are any obvious places that I can help, it’s often
> easier for me hearing people describe the problem
> --
> Nic Townsend
> IBM Event Processing
> Senior Engineer / Technical Lead
> Slack: @nictownsend
> From: Robert Metzger <rmetz...@apache.org<mailto:rmetz...@apache.org>>
> Date: Wednesday, 6 November 2024 at 15:22
> To: dev@flink.apache.org<mailto:dev@flink.apache.org> 
> <dev@flink.apache.org<mailto:dev@flink.apache.org>>
> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: Flink technical debt.
> Hey David,
> Thanks a lot for this initiative.
> What do you think about setting up a call weekly or every second week, open
> to the public, where we collaboratively review a backlog of Jira tickets
> and triage them into:
> - Closing,
> - following up,
> - assigning a committer owner?
> The purpose of the call is not to hide anything from anybody, it is just
> for quicker collaboration. All decisions from the calls need to end up in
> Jira and on the mailing lists
> On Mon, Nov 4, 2024 at 4:07 PM David Radley 
> <david_rad...@uk.ibm.com<mailto:david_rad...@uk.ibm.com>>
> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I have been looking at the Flink Jira and git. I see a large number of
> > Flink Jira issues that are open and critical or blockers
> >
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-36655?jql=project%20%3D%20FLINK%20AND%20priority%20in%20(Blocker%2C%20Critical)
> > I realise some of these issues may not actually be critical as they have
> > been labelled by the submitter.
> >
> > I see 1239 open unmerged PRs
> > https://github.com/apache/flink/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aopen. Some of these
> > are not associated with assigned  issues, so may never be merged. This
> > amount of unmerged PRs, means that many people have put a lot of time and
> > effort into creating code that has not made it into the codebase, so they
> > do not get the credit for the contribution, which must be disheartening
> and
> > the codebase does not get the benefit of the contribution.
> >
> > This is a large amount of technical debt. I would like to help address
> > this problem by setting up a workgroup, with others in the community who
> > would like this addressed. The scope of the workgroup would be to improve
> > these numbers by activities such as:
> >
> >   *   Triaging PRs so it is easier for committers to merge or close them.
> >   *   Identifying prs that could be closed out as no longer relevant.
> >   *   Getting committer buy in.
> >
> > Are there other ideas from the community around how this could be
> improved
> > with or without a workgroup, or whether the existing processes should be
> > sufficient or enhanced?
> >
> > Is there an appetite to address this in the community? I am happy to
> drive
> > this as a community workgroup, with my team in IBM, if there is community
> > support.
> >
> > We could call the community workgroup ?Community Health Initiative? CHI
> to
> > energise the Flink community.
> >
> > WDYT?
> >
> > Kind regards, David.
> >
> > Unless otherwise stated above:
> >
> > IBM United Kingdom Limited
> > Registered in England and Wales with number 741598
> > Registered office: Building C, IBM Hursley Office, Hursley Park Road,
> > Winchester, Hampshire SO21 2JN
> >
> Unless otherwise stated above:
> IBM United Kingdom Limited
> Registered in England and Wales with number 741598
> Registered office: Building C, IBM Hursley Office, Hursley Park Road,
> Winchester, Hampshire SO21 2JN
> Unless otherwise stated above:
> IBM United Kingdom Limited
> Registered in England and Wales with number 741598
> Registered office: Building C, IBM Hursley Office, Hursley Park Road,
> Winchester, Hampshire SO21 2JN
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IBM United Kingdom Limited
Registered in England and Wales with number 741598
Registered office: Building C, IBM Hursley Office, Hursley Park Road, 
Winchester, Hampshire SO21 2JN

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IBM United Kingdom Limited
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