Mehdi created FLINK-36716: ----------------------------- Summary: Address vulnerabilities in Flink UI Key: FLINK-36716 URL: Project: Flink Issue Type: Improvement Components: Runtime / Web Frontend Affects Versions: 1.20.0, 2.0.0 Reporter: Mehdi
When running `npm audit` we get 36 vulnerabilities (1 low, 15 moderate, 17 high, 3 critical) we should address any current, open vulnerabilities. These critical vulnerabilities gone by raising the version of angular. Result of the npm audit: {code:java} npm audit report@adobe/css-tools <=4.3.1 Severity: moderate @adobe/css-tools Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDOS) while Parsing CSS - @adobe/css-tools Improper Input Validation and Inefficient Regular Expression Complexity - fix available via `npm audit fix` node_modules/@adobe/css-tools@babel/traverse <7.23.2 Severity: critical Babel vulnerable to arbitrary code execution when compiling specifically crafted malicious code - fix available via `npm audit fix` node_modules/@babel/traversebody-parser <1.20.3 Severity: high body-parser vulnerable to denial of service when url encoding is enabled - fix available via `npm audit fix` node_modules/body-parser express <=4.21.0 || 5.0.0-alpha.1 - 5.0.0 Depends on vulnerable versions of body-parser Depends on vulnerable versions of cookie Depends on vulnerable versions of path-to-regexp Depends on vulnerable versions of send Depends on vulnerable versions of serve-static node_modules/expressbraces <3.0.3 Severity: high Uncontrolled resource consumption in braces - fix available via `npm audit fix` node_modules/bracescookie <0.7.0 cookie accepts cookie name, path, and domain with out of bounds characters - fix available via `npm audit fix` node_modules/cookie node_modules/express/node_modules/cookie 0.7.8 - 0.7.9 || 1.8.0 - 6.6.1 Depends on vulnerable versions of cookie Depends on vulnerable versions of ws node_modules/ 1.6.0 - 4.7.5 Depends on vulnerable versions of node_modules/socket.iod3-color <3.1.0 Severity: high d3-color vulnerable to ReDoS - fix available via `npm audit fix` node_modules/d3-interpolate/node_modules/d3-color d3-interpolate 0.1.3 - 2.0.1 Depends on vulnerable versions of d3-color node_modules/d3-interpolate @antv/g-base <=0.5.11 Depends on vulnerable versions of d3-interpolate node_modules/@antv/g-basefollow-redirects <=1.15.5 Severity: moderate Follow Redirects improperly handles URLs in the url.parse() function - follow-redirects' Proxy-Authorization header kept across hosts - fix available via `npm audit fix` node_modules/follow-redirectshttp-proxy-middleware <2.0.7 Severity: high Denial of service in http-proxy-middleware - fix available via `npm audit fix` node_modules/http-proxy-middlewareip * Severity: high NPM IP package incorrectly identifies some private IP addresses as public - ip SSRF improper categorization in isPublic - fix available via `npm audit fix` node_modules/iploader-utils 3.0.0 - 3.2.0 Severity: high loader-utils is vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) via url variable - loader-utils is vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) - fix available via `npm audit fix` node_modules/loader-utils @angular-devkit/build-angular * Depends on vulnerable versions of loader-utils Depends on vulnerable versions of postcss Depends on vulnerable versions of protractor Depends on vulnerable versions of semver Depends on vulnerable versions of webpack Depends on vulnerable versions of webpack-dev-middleware node_modules/@angular-devkit/build-angularmicromatch <4.0.8 Severity: moderate Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) in micromatch - fix available via `npm audit fix` node_modules/micromatchpath-to-regexp <0.1.10 Severity: high path-to-regexp outputs backtracking regular expressions - fix available via `npm audit fix` node_modules/path-to-regexppostcss <8.4.31 Severity: moderate PostCSS line return parsing error - fix available via `npm audit fix` node_modules/postcssrequest * Severity: moderate Server-Side Request Forgery in Request - Depends on vulnerable versions of tough-cookie fix available via `npm audit fix --force` Will install protractor@3.3.0, which is a breaking change node_modules/request webdriver-manager * Depends on vulnerable versions of request Depends on vulnerable versions of xml2js node_modules/webdriver-manager protractor >=1.3.0 Depends on vulnerable versions of selenium-webdriver Depends on vulnerable versions of webdriver-js-extender Depends on vulnerable versions of webdriver-manager node_modules/protractorsemver <=5.7.1 || 6.0.0 - 6.3.0 || 7.0.0 - 7.5.1 Severity: high semver vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service - semver vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service - semver vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service - fix available via `npm audit fix` node_modules/@angular-devkit/build-angular/node_modules/semver node_modules/@angular/cli/node_modules/semver node_modules/@babel/core/node_modules/semver node_modules/@babel/helper-compilation-targets/node_modules/semver node_modules/@babel/helper-define-polyfill-provider/node_modules/semver node_modules/@babel/plugin-transform-runtime/node_modules/semver node_modules/@babel/preset-env/node_modules/semver node_modules/babel-plugin-polyfill-corejs2/node_modules/semver node_modules/istanbul-lib-instrument/node_modules/semver node_modules/less/node_modules/semver node_modules/make-dir/node_modules/semver node_modules/read-pkg/node_modules/semver node_modules/semver node_modules/webdriver-manager/node_modules/semver @angular/cli 9.1.0-next.0 - 14.2.11 || 15.0.0-next.0 - 15.2.8 || 16.0.0-next.0 - 16.1.1 Depends on vulnerable versions of semver node_modules/@angular/clisend <0.19.0 Severity: moderate send vulnerable to template injection that can lead to XSS - fix available via `npm audit fix` node_modules/send serve-static <=1.16.0 Depends on vulnerable versions of send node_modules/serve-static tar <6.2.1 Severity: moderate Denial of service while parsing a tar file due to lack of folders count validation - fix available via `npm audit fix` node_modules/tartough-cookie <4.1.3 Severity: moderate tough-cookie Prototype Pollution vulnerability - fix available via `npm audit fix --force` Will install protractor@3.3.0, which is a breaking change node_modules/tough-cookiewebpack 5.0.0-alpha.0 - 5.93.0 Severity: critical Cross-realm object access in Webpack 5 - Webpack's AutoPublicPathRuntimeModule has a DOM Clobbering Gadget that leads to XSS - fix available via `npm audit fix` node_modules/webpackwebpack-dev-middleware <=5.3.3 Severity: high Path traversal in webpack-dev-middleware - fix available via `npm audit fix` node_modules/webpack-dev-middlewareword-wrap <1.2.4 Severity: moderate word-wrap vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service - fix available via `npm audit fix` node_modules/word-wrapws 8.0.0 - 8.17.0 Severity: high ws affected by a DoS when handling a request with many HTTP headers - fix available via `npm audit fix` node_modules/ws 2.5.2 - 2.5.4 Depends on vulnerable versions of ws node_modules/ <0.5.0 Severity: moderate xml2js is vulnerable to prototype pollution - fix available via `npm audit fix --force` Will install protractor@3.3.0, which is a breaking change node_modules/xml2js selenium-webdriver 2.43.1 - 4.0.0-rc-2 Depends on vulnerable versions of xml2js node_modules/selenium-webdriver webdriver-js-extender * Depends on vulnerable versions of selenium-webdriver node_modules/webdriver-js-extender36 vulnerabilities (1 low, 15 moderate, 17 high, 3 critical) {code} h4. -- This message was sent by Atlassian Jira (v8.20.10#820010)