Hi Radek,
I am really glad you initiated the discussion, as far as I understand the
bug is in the new Sink which itself is not yet released, have you been
using a snapshot version?
If that's the case then we don't need a bump/patch version release yet I
would argue it would be better to start a new minor version release to land
the new Sink to users like yourself.
Looking forward to the feedback from the community as well.

Best Regards
Ahmed Hamdy

On Fri, 8 Nov 2024 at 07:48, Radek Stankiewicz <radosl...@google.com.invalid>

> Dear Flink devs, I would like to initiate a discussion about the need for a
> new release flink-connector-gcp-pubsub.
> I found and fixed a bug (FLINK-36616) that was blocking a project and as an
> interim step we can release the package internally but to provide benefit
> to everyone it would be great if we have a new version soon.
> thank you,
> Radek

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