czw., 7 lis 2024 o 14:44 Piotr Nowojski <> napisaƂ(a):

> Hi all!
> I would like to open up for discussion a new FLIP-484 [1].
> Motivation
> When running a Flink job that reads data from multiple sources and writes
> to multiple sinks, it would be helpful to group metrics from each
> source/sink instance together, for example based on the underlying name of
> the source/sink table/topic.
> Proposed Changes
> This flip proposes to allow users to set custom metric variables to
> operators/transformations, that will be later passed on to the metrics and
> trace reporters.
> This will allow users to label all of the reported metrics from operators
> with for example the table name (SQL), allowing to easily report the number
> of records/watermark values per each source/sink table in the same Flink
> Job.
> For more information please look into the FLIP-484 [1].
> I'm looking forward to your thoughts on this.
> Best,
> Piotrek
> [1]
> <>

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