Hello David,

I believe this is a valuable initiative that will significantly enhance the
codebase as well. I would also like to join this group and contribute to
the community.

Anu K T

On Mon, Nov 4, 2024 at 8:36 PM David Radley <david_rad...@uk.ibm.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have been looking at the Flink Jira and git. I see a large number of
> Flink Jira issues that are open and critical or blockers
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-36655?jql=project%20%3D%20FLINK%20AND%20priority%20in%20(Blocker%2C%20Critical)
> I realise some of these issues may not actually be critical as they have
> been labelled by the submitter.
> I see 1239 open unmerged PRs
> https://github.com/apache/flink/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aopen. Some of these
> are not associated with assigned  issues, so may never be merged. This
> amount of unmerged PRs, means that many people have put a lot of time and
> effort into creating code that has not made it into the codebase, so they
> do not get the credit for the contribution, which must be disheartening and
> the codebase does not get the benefit of the contribution.
> This is a large amount of technical debt. I would like to help address
> this problem by setting up a workgroup, with others in the community who
> would like this addressed. The scope of the workgroup would be to improve
> these numbers by activities such as:
>   *   Triaging PRs so it is easier for committers to merge or close them.
>   *   Identifying prs that could be closed out as no longer relevant.
>   *   Getting committer buy in.
> Are there other ideas from the community around how this could be improved
> with or without a workgroup, or whether the existing processes should be
> sufficient or enhanced?
> Is there an appetite to address this in the community? I am happy to drive
> this as a community workgroup, with my team in IBM, if there is community
> support.
> We could call the community workgroup ?Community Health Initiative? CHI to
> energise the Flink community.
> Kind regards, David.
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