Thanks @Yanquan for track this thread, and thanks @Arvid for the information, 
it makes sense to me

Qingsheng will drive the release of flink-2.0-preview of Flink Kafka connector, 
and I’d like assist it too.


> 2024年11月6日 下午6:58,Arvid Heise <> 写道:
> Hi Yanquan,
> the current state of the 3.4.0 release is that it's still pending on the
> lineage PR [1] which I expect to be merged next week (the author is on
> vacation). The release cut would then happen right afterwards.
> After the release cut, we can then bump to 4.0.0-SNAPSHOT and Flink
> 2.0-preview. @Qingsheng Ren <> and Leonard wanted to
> drive that release. I already prepared a bit by thoroughly annotating
> everything with Deprecated but the whole test side needs a bigger cleanup.
> It's probably also a good time to bump other dependencies.
> Could you please sync with the two release managers? At least Qingsheng is
> responsive in the Flink slack - I talked to him quite a bit there.
> If there is a pressing need to start earlier, we can also cut the 3.4
> branch (which is then effectively the 3.3 branch) earlier and backport the
> lineage PR (it's just one commit ultimately). I'd leave that decision to
> the two release managers for 4.0.0 mentioned before.
> One thing to note for 4.0.0 is that we need to solve the transaction
> management issues with the KafkaSink [2]. It's blocking larger users from
> adopting the KafkaSink which will be the only option for Flink 2.0. I have
> started designing a solution.
> Best,
> Arvid
> [1]
> [2]
> On Tue, Nov 5, 2024 at 4:48 AM Yanquan Lv <> wrote:
>> Hi, Arvid.
>> It has been a month and we are glad to see that we have completed the
>> release of Kafka 3.3.0 targeting 1.19 and 1.20.
>> Considering that Flink 2.0-preview1 has already been released, I would
>> like to know about our plans and progress for bumping to 2.0-preview1.
>> I tested the changes required for bump to 2.0-preview1 locally and found
>> that the adaptation changes made in the production code based on
>> FlinkKafkaProducer Depreciated work were relatively clear and the amount of
>> change was not significant. However, the headache was that there were many
>> adjustments needed in the test code.
>> I would like to know if there is already work in the community to bump to
>> 2.0-preview1. If not, I can help complete this task (but some suggestions
>> may be needed for testing the adaptation in the code).
>>> 2024年9月27日 16:23,Arvid Heise <> 写道:
>>> Dear Flink devs,
>>> I'd like to initiate three(!) Kafka connector releases. The main reason
>> for
>>> having three releases is that we have been slacking a bit in keeping up
>>> with the latest changes.
>>> Here is the summary:
>>> 1. Release kafka-3.3.0 targeting 1.19 and 1.20 (asap)
>>> - Incorporates lots of deprecations for Flink 2 including everything that
>>> is related to FlinkKafkaProducer (SinkFunction, FlinkKafkaConsumer
>>> (SourceFunction), and KafkaShuffle
>>> - Lots of bugfixes that are very relevant for 1.19 users (and probably
>> work
>>> with older releases)
>>> 2. Release kafka-3.4.0 targeting 1.20 (~1-2 weeks later)
>>> - Incorporates lineage tracing which is only available in 1.20 [1] (FLIP
>>> incorrectly says that it's avail in 1.19)
>>> - We have discussed some alternatives to this release in [2] but
>> basically
>>> having a separate release is the cleanest solution.
>>> - I'd like to linearize the releases to avoid having to do back or even
>>> forward ports
>>> 3. Release kafka-4.0.0 targeting 2.0-preview (~1-2 weeks later)
>>> - Much requested to get the connector out asap for the preview. (I think
>>> the old jar using the removed interfaces should still work)
>>> - Remove all deprecated things
>>> - General spring cleaning (trying to get rid of arch unit violations,
>>> migrate to JUnit5)
>>> - Should we relocate the TableAPI stuff to o.a.f.connectors?
>>> I'd appreciate any feedback and volunteers for RM ;) If you have pending
>>> PRs that should be part of any of those releases, please also write them.
>>> Best,
>>> Arvid
>>> [1]
>>> [1]

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