Hey Folks,

I am new to Flink development and wanted to get my hands dirty by fixing some 

## Flink Table

previouslyon the #dev slack channel. Currently the flink-table-runtime is using 
a version (2.7.0) of the json-path library which has a high severity CVE 
([CVE-2023-1370](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2023-1370)). We have a 
JIRA task for this 
([FLINK-33571](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-33571)), the 
vulnerability is fixed in 2.8.0 but that has an additional CVE, so 2.9.0 is the 
current (clean) version. I have posted several PRs updating the lib to this new 

- Flink 2.0: json-path is now managed via flink-shaded and so I posted a 
[PR](https://github.com/apache/flink-shaded/pull/140) to add the 2.9.0 version 
to the next flink-shaded release. So a further Flink PR will be needed once 
Flink Shaded 0.20 is released.

- Flink 1.20: In Flink 1.20 and earlier, json-path is managed directly in the 
flink-table pom, so I posted a [PR](https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/25573) 
to update the lib on the release-1.20 branch. It would be good to get this into 
a future 1.20.1 release.

## Calcite

I [raised 
previously on the #dev slack channel. The json-path CVEs also effect the 
currently used Apache Calcite version (1.32). To fix that we would need to 
update to Calcite 1.37+ 
([FLINK-36602](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-36602)). I have seen 
 in the upstream JIRA on Calcite updates and I realise it is not just a simple 
version bump.

I had a look at what would be involved and it seems we would need to implement 
the now mandatory array parsing functionality, fix several exception changes in 
the CalciteResource class and deal with changes to the SqlParserTest that the 
flink parser tests inherit from. I am willing to give this a try, I have some 
familiarity with Calcite, but I would like to chat to someone more familiar 
with the SQL parser module and check for hidden dragons. Also, would this 
update require a FLIP?
We could also just specifically override the json-path version in the imported 
calcite 1.32, but I am not sure if that is a common / acceptable practice in 

Any PR reviews/thoughts/help would be much appreciated.

Tom Cooper
[@tomncooper](https://twitter.com/tomncooper) | 

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