Hi, Ron!

>  I noticed that you say this FLIP focuses on supporting deploy sql
scripts to the application cluster, does it mean that it only supports
non-interactive gateway mode?

Yes. This FLIP only supports to deploy a script in non-interactive mode.

> Whether all SQL commands such as DDL & DML & SELECT are supported.

We supports all SQL commands and the execution results are visible in the
JM log. But application cluster has some limitations that only one job is
allowed to run in the dedicated cluster.

>  How to dynamically download the JAR specified by the user when
submitting the sql script, and whether it is possible to specify a local

This is a good question. I think it's totally up to the deployment api. For
example, kubernetes deployment provides the option
`kubernetes-artifacts-local-upload-enabled`[1] to upload the artifact to
the DFS but yarn deployment doesn't support to ship the artifacts to DFS in
application mode. If runtime API can provide unified interface, I think we
can use the unified API to upload local artifacts. Alternatively, we can
provide a special service that allows sql-gateway to support pulling jar.
You can read the future work for more details.


Shengkai Fang <fskm...@gmail.com> 于2024年10月31日周四 09:30写道:

> Hi, Feng!
> > if only clusterID is available, it may not be very convenient to connect
> to this application later on.
> If FLIP-479 is accepted, I think we can just adapt the sql-gateway
> behaviour to the behaviour that FLIP-479 mentioned.
> Best,
> Shengkai

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