The Apache Flink community is very happy to announce the release of Apache
Flink 2.0 Preview.

Apache FlinkĀ® is an open-source unified stream and batch data processing
framework for distributed, high-performing, always-available, and accurate
data applications.

This release is a preview of the upcoming Flink 2.0 release. The purpose is
to facilitate early adaptation to the breaking changes for our users and
partner projects (e.g., connectors), and to offer a sneak peek into the
exciting new features while gathering feedback.

Note: Flink 2.0 Preview is not a stable release and should not be used in
production environments.

The release is available for download at:

Please checkout the release blog post for an overview of this release:

The full release notes are available in jira:

We would like to thank all contributors of the Apache Flink community who
made this release possible!


Becket, Jark, Martijn and Xintong

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