Keith Wall created FLINK-36551:

             Summary: Generated OLM bundle fails to deploy with install 
strategy failed .. Duplicate value: "keystore"
                 Key: FLINK-36551
             Project: Flink
          Issue Type: Bug
          Components: Kubernetes Operator
            Reporter: Keith Wall

I am using tools/olm/ to create a fresh OLM bundle from 

Working around FLINK-36544 (using the PR), I hit another problem after creating 
the Subscription resource.  The CSV resource is looping, reporting Failed.

{{% oc get csv  -w}}
{{NAME                                DISPLAY                     VERSION   
REPLACES                           PHASE}}
{{flink-kubernetes-operator.v1.10.0   Flink Kubernetes Operator   1.10.0    
flink-kubernetes-operator.v1.2.0   Failed}}

Examining the CSV resource, I can see a validation error in the status section.

{{ message: 'install strategy failed: Deployment.apps 
"flink-kubernetes-operator" is invalid: [spec.template.spec.volumes[2].name: 
Duplicate value: "keystore", 
spec.template.spec.containers[0].volumeMounts[1].name: Not found: 

The issue is that the deployment within the CSV does indeed have a duplicate 
volume. creates a empty volume called keystore.


The template generated by Helm also creates a keystore volume (backed by the 






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