Yubin Li created FLINK-36547:

             Summary: Add option to retain `RowKind` sematics after 
                 Key: FLINK-36547
                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-36547
             Project: Flink
          Issue Type: Improvement
          Components: Formats (JSON, Avro, Parquet, ORC, SequenceFile)
    Affects Versions: 2.0.0
            Reporter: Yubin Li

As official docs said, `RowKind` sematics have been changed: -U -> -D, +D -> +I

Flink also supports to encode the INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE messages in Flink SQL as 
Debezium JSON or Avro messages, and emit to external systems like Kafka. 
However, currently Flink can’t combine UPDATE_BEFORE and UPDATE_AFTER into a 
single UPDATE message. Therefore, Flink encodes UPDATE_BEFORE and UDPATE_AFTER 
as DELETE and INSERT Debezium messages. {code}
In fact, we also have a demand to make the `RowKind` sematics consistent in 
many scenarios. we have taken advantage of the difference between UPDATE_BEFORE 
and UPDATE_AFTER to implemenet the feature and made it run well in bussiness.


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