five created FLINK-36533:

             Summary: An exception occurs when using the
                 Key: FLINK-36533
             Project: Flink
          Issue Type: Bug
            Reporter: five
         Attachments: exception.png, source_code.png
An error occurred when using a port range for the 
{{}} configuration item.


Environment Information:
 * Flink version: 1.20.0
 * Java: 1.8

Configuration Information:
 * 12001-13000

When starting the Flink job, an exception occurs. Please see the attached file 
for the exception message: exception.png

The error received is a NativeIoException. However, the source code is set up 
to catch a BindException. (Refer to the attached file: source_code.png) The two 
do not match.

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