Hello I wanted to bump on this (may have missed the response).
Adding a bit more color, we have some functionality that we want to implement using (Key)ProcessFunctions but our users are primarily not Scala/Java developers so looking for ways to provide that functionality using something they're comfortable with, i.e. SQL. There's also some triggering behavior (like KSQL's EMIT CHANGES) that seem possible with custom triggers that we'd want to similarly allow our users to access. Thanks, Justin ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Justin Ngai <justin.n...@reddit.com> Date: Thu, Oct 3, 2024 at 9:52 AM Subject: Custom Windowing Strategies in SQL To: <dev@flink.apache.org> Hello We're building a platform on top of Flink for our users to easily build simple streaming applications with Flink SQL being the primary interface. This has worked well so far, but there's a set of windowing strategies/windowing behaviors (early fire) that aren't covered by the window TVF functions supported by Flink SQL. We've found ways to do this using the datastream API but we're trying to avoid having users having to use it. Is it possible to add custom window functions similar to UDFs? We came across this <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-29692> ticket where a comment implies you can add your own window keywords but we weren't able to find a plugin point. Thanks, Justin