Hi Arvid,
Some thoughts on whether we need the 3 deliverables. And whether we could 
follow more traditional fixpack numbering:
I see that there is already a release for 1.19 
 . I am wondering why we need the first deliverable. If we need it for the bug 
fixes , why not have a 3.2.1?
I assume that kafka-3.4.0 will not work with previous Flink releases. Would it 
be worth have a config switch to enable the lineage in the connector so that we 
could use it with 1.19?  We could maybe do a 3.3 if this was the case.

   Kind regards, David.

From: Arvid Heise <ar...@apache.org>
Date: Friday, 27 September 2024 at 09:24
To: dev@flink.apache.org <dev@flink.apache.org>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Kafka connector releases
Dear Flink devs,

I'd like to initiate three(!) Kafka connector releases. The main reason for
having three releases is that we have been slacking a bit in keeping up
with the latest changes.

Here is the summary:
1. Release kafka-3.3.0 targeting 1.19 and 1.20 (asap)
- Incorporates lots of deprecations for Flink 2 including everything that
is related to FlinkKafkaProducer (SinkFunction, FlinkKafkaConsumer
(SourceFunction), and KafkaShuffle
- Lots of bugfixes that are very relevant for 1.19 users (and probably work
with older releases)

2. Release kafka-3.4.0 targeting 1.20 (~1-2 weeks later)
- Incorporates lineage tracing which is only available in 1.20 [1] (FLIP
incorrectly says that it's avail in 1.19)
- We have discussed some alternatives to this release in [2] but basically
having a separate release is the cleanest solution.
- I'd like to linearize the releases to avoid having to do back or even
forward ports

3. Release kafka-4.0.0 targeting 2.0-preview (~1-2 weeks later)
- Much requested to get the connector out asap for the preview. (I think
the old jar using the removed interfaces should still work)
- Remove all deprecated things
- General spring cleaning (trying to get rid of arch unit violations,
migrate to JUnit5)
- Should we relocate the TableAPI stuff to o.a.f.connectors?

I'd appreciate any feedback and volunteers for RM ;) If you have pending
PRs that should be part of any of those releases, please also write them.




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