Hi Yanquan,

Thanks for kicking off the next major release! I’d like to suggest adding the 
following ticket into CDC 3.3 planning list:

  *   FLINK-36041: Eliminate Calcite dependency during runtime[1]

[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-36041


De : Yanquan Lv <decq12y...@gmail.com>
Date : mercredi, 11 septembre 2024 à 17:01
À : dev@flink.apache.org <dev@flink.apache.org>
Objet : Flink CDC 3.3 Kick Off Proposal
Hi devs,

As the vote for FlinkCDC 3.2 release was unanimously approved, it's a good
time to kick off the upcoming Flink CDC 3.3 release cycle. In the previous
version, we improved the compatibility of table schema changes. In this
release cycle, We plan to develop in these directions:

1) Expand the upstream and downstream data systems that Flink CDC YAML can
configure, such as Kafka Source and JDBC Sink;

2) Explore the integration of AI models, provide the ability to generate
text and vector data through the transform module;

3) Expand the data synchronization pipeline to support batch
synchronization scenarios.

To ensure that we can complete the above plan, we plan to complete the
development of Flink CDC 3.3 by October 31, 2024. For developers that are
interested in participating and contributing new features in this release
cycle, please feel free to list your planning features in this mail thread
and we will trace them in the wiki page [1].

I have participated in some development work in the community in the past
two major versions and am very interested in the development plan for
version 3.3. So I volunteer to become the release manager for this version,
and of course open to work together with someone on this.

What do you think?


[1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/Flink+CDC+3.3+Release

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