Hi, Zakelly.

This FLIP LGTM overall, and I think it makes sense to speed up checkpointing.

After reading the entire FLIP, I have the following questions.

1. Since declareProcess is introduced in `Input` and `TwoInputStreamOperator` 

align with `processElement`, do we also need to consider modifying other 

such as `KeyedProcessFunction` to introduce similar methods?

2. Besides `processElement`, there are other methods that access state, such as 

`snapshotState`. Are these methods also not applicable under this FLIP?

3. For chain-style declarations, can they be nested? For example, can another 

declared chain1 be used within a declared chain2?



At 2024-07-30 14:06:08, "Zakelly Lan" <zakelly....@gmail.com> wrote:
>Hi devs,
>I would like to initiate a discussion about FLIP-455: Declare async state
>processing and checkpoint the in-flight requests[1].
>FLIP-423[2] and the related sub-FLIPs introduced the disaggregated state
>and async accessing model of state. However, the in-flight state requests
>(or records) should be drained at the checkpoint, which leads to an
>increased checkpoint synchronization delay. The main goal of this FLIP is
>to snapshot the in-flight requests as part of a checkpoint. This will
>accelerate the draining process and decouple the mutual impact between
>checkpoints and data processing.
>For your ease of understanding, the FLIP covers three key aspects:
>1. (Public API) Additional APIs for conditional branchings under
>2. (Internal API) An internal API set for declaring and defining the record
>3. (Implementation) Method to snapshot the in-flight state requests
>For the first two parts, there is also a PoC branch[3] provided.
>Looking forward to hearing from you.
>[1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/C4owEg
>[2] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/R4p3EQ
>[3] https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/24719

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