Hi Junrui,

Thank you for drafting the FLIP. I really appreciate the direction it’s
taking. We’ve discussed similar approaches multiple times, and it’s great
to see this progress.
I have a few questions and thoughts:

* 1. Transformations in StreamGraphGenerator:*
Should we consider taking this a step further by working on a list of
transformations (inputs of StreamGraphGenerator)?

    public StreamGraphGenerator(
            List<Transformation<?>> transformations,
            ExecutionConfig executionConfig,
            CheckpointConfig checkpointConfig,
            ReadableConfig configuration) {

We could potentially merge ExecutionConfig and CheckpointConfig into
ReadableConfig. This approach might offer us even more flexibility.

*2. StreamGraph for Recovery Purposes:*
Should we avoid using StreamGraph for recovery purposes? The existing
JG-based recovery code paths took years to perfect, and it doesn’t seem
necessary to replace them. We only need SG for cases where we want to
regenerate the JG.
Additionally, translating SG into JG before persisting it in HA could be
beneficial, as it allows us to catch potential issues early on.

* 3. Moving Away from Java Serializables:*
It would be great to start moving away from Java Serializables as much as
possible. Could we instead define proper versioned serializers, possibly
based on a well-defined protobuf blueprint? This change could help us avoid
ongoing issues associated with Serializables.

Looking forward to your thoughts.


On Thu, Jul 11, 2024 at 12:58 PM Fabian Paul <fp...@apache.org> wrote:

> Thanks for drafting this FLIP. I really like the idea of introducing a
> concept in Flink that is close to a logical plan submission.
> I have a few questions about the proposal and its future evolvability.
> - What is the future plan for job submissions in Flink? With the current
> proposal, Flink will support JobGraph/StreamGraph/compiled plan
> submissions? It might be confusing for users and complicate the existing
> job submission logic significantly.
> - The FLIP mentions multiple areas of optimization, first operator chaining
> and second dynamic switches between join strategies. I think from a Flink
> perspective, these are, at the moment, separate concerns.  For operator
> chaining, I agree with the current proposal, which is a concept that
> applies generally to Flink's runtime. For join strategies, they are only
> applicable when using an optimizer (that's currently not part of Flink's
> runtime) with the Table API or Flink SQL. How do we plan to connect the
> optimizer with Flink's runtime?
> - With table/SQL API we already expose a compiled plan to support stable
> version upgrades. It would be great to explore a joined plan to also offer
> stable version upgrades with a potentially persistent streamgraph.
> Best,
> Fabian

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