Hi devs, I'd like to start a discussion about FLIP-467: Introduce Generalized Watermarks [1] . This is another sub-FLIP of DataStream API V2 [2].
After this FLIP one can declare generalized (custom) watermarks and define their custom propagation and alignment process. This FLIP opens new prospects to simplify "signal"ing mechanisms inside the Flink runtime and at the same time reveals new use-cases. You can find more details in the FLIP [1]. Looking forward to hearing your comments, thanks! Best regards, Jeyhun [1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-467%3A+Introduce+Generalized+Watermarks [2] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-408%3A+%5BUmbrella%5D+Introduce+DataStream+API+V2