Hi everyone, the vote [1] for FLIP-461 [2] is over. The number of required binding votes (3) was reached (total: 10, binding: 7, non-binding: 3). No objections were raised.
- David Morávek (binding) - Rui Fan (binding) - Zakelly Lan (binding) - Gyula Fóra (binding) - Weijie Guo (binding) - Gabor Somogyi (binding) - Thomas Weise (binding) - Zhanghao Chen (non-binding) - Zdenek Tison (non-binding) - Ferenc Csaky (non-binding) I will go ahead and prepare the PRs for FLINK-35549 [3]. Best, Matthias [1] https://lists.apache.org/thread/d6cdlq1h9h6w51wb2jsvsw70s42n76qh [2] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-461%3A+Synchronize+rescaling+with+checkpoint+creation+to+minimize+reprocessing+for+the+AdaptiveScheduler [3] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-35549