I just noticed the CREATE TABLE LIKE statement allows the definition of new
columns in the CREATE part. The difference
with this CTAS proposal is that TABLE LIKE appends the new columns at the
end of the schema instead of adding them
at the beginning like this proposal and Mysql do.
create table t1(id int, name string);
create table s1(a int, b string) like t1;
describe s1;
| Column Name | Data Type | Nullable | Extras |
| id | INT | NULL | |
| name | STRING | NULL | |
| a | INT | NULL | |
| b | STRING | NULL | |
The CREATE TABLE LIKE also does not let the definition of existing columns
in the CREATE part. The statement fails
that the column already exists.
create table t1(id int, name string);
create table s1(id double) like t1;
A column named 'id' already exists in the base table.
What do you guys think of making it similar to the CREATE TABLE LIKE? Seems
the best approach in order to
be compatible with it.
- Sergio
On Tue, Jun 11, 2024 at 2:10 PM Sergio Pena <ser...@confluent.io> wrote:
Thanks Timo for answering Jeyhun questions.
To add info more about your questions Jeyhun. This proposal is not
handling NULL/NOT_NULL types. I noticed that
the current CTAS impl. (as Timo said) adds this constraint as part of the
resulting schema. And when defining
a primary key in the CREATE part, if the resulting schema does not have a
NOT NULL in the column then the CTAS
will fail. This is similar to the CREATE TABLE LIKE which expects the
table to have a NOT NULL column if
the user defines a primary key in the CREATE part.
In some cases, redefining the column types might be redundant,
when users dont change the column type. A user just wants to change the
column name from the SELECT clause. Should we also support this
similar to postgres?
I looked into Postgres too. Postgres matches the columns based on the
order defined in the create and select part.
If you want to rename a column in the create part, then that column
position must be in the same position as the query column.
I didn't like the Postgres approach because it does not let us add
that do not exist in the query schema.
i.e. query has schema (a int, b string), now the `a` column is renamed to
`id` because both are in the same position 0
`create table s1(id int) as select a, b from t1`;
results in: [id int, b string]
I think, if users want to rename then they can use a different alias in
the select part. They could also do explicit casting
for changing the data types, which now makes it redundant (as you said)
allow redefining the query columns again. But
perhaps there are cases where explicit casting does not work and just
defining the column would? i.e. making a nullable
type to not null? I couldn't make `cast(c1 as int not null)` to work for
instance, but it may work in the create part?
Could you also mention the casting rules in the FLIP for this case?
I mentioned they're the same as insert/select when doing implicit
I will search for more info about the insert/select
and add the casting rules in the flip..
- Sergio
On Tue, Jun 11, 2024 at 12:59 AM Timo Walther <twal...@apache.org>
Hi Sergio,
thanks for proposing this FLIP for finalizing the CTAS statement.
Adopting the logic from MySQL for deriving and potentially overwriting
parts of the schema should be easy to understand for everyone. So +1 for
the FLIP in general.
> How do you handle CTAS statements with SELECT clauses that have
> (implicit or explicit) NULLABLE or NOT NULLABLE columns?
@Jeyhun: I don't think there is anything special about this. The current
CTAS implementation should already cover that. It takes the nullability
of the column's data type as a constraint into derived schema. Keep in
mind that nullability is part of the data type in Flink, not only a
constraint on the schema. This decision was made due to Calcite
> redefining the column types might be redundant, especially
> when users dont change the column type
This is indeed a good point. On one hand, I think we should avoid
further complicating the syntax. But looking at other vendors [1] this
seems indeed a valid use case. If it doesn't cause too many special
cases in the parser (and it's look-ahead), I'm fine with supporting a
list of column names as well. However, the most important use case will
be specifying a watermark, metadata columns, or other schema parts that
are not just columns names.
On 10.06.24 21:37, Jeyhun Karimov wrote:
Hi Sergio,
Thanks for driving this FLIP. +1 for it.
I have a few questions:
- How do you handle CTAS statements with SELECT clauses that have
or explicit) NULLABLE or NOT NULLABLE columns? Could you also mention
casting rules in the FLIP for this case?
- In some cases, redefining the column types might be redundant,
when users dont change the column type. For example, a user just wants
change the column name from the SELECT clause.
Should we also support this scenario, similar to the postgres [1] ?
[1] https://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.1/sql-createtableas.html
On Mon, Jun 10, 2024 at 6:28 PM Sergio Pena
Hi David,
The CTAS feature is already part of Flink (proposed in FLIP-218 [1]).
new FLIP-463 is just to extend the CTAS syntax to allow for adding
columns to
the created table that are not part of the generated schema. I think
FLIP-218 [1] was discussed in the mail list somewhere, but I couldn't
the discussion thread.
I was hoping it could contain the answers for your questions as
where CTAS was implemented. There's a user doc [2] for it that may
But, in a nutshell, CTAS is similar to running CREATE and then
INSERT/SELECT statements. The CTAS will execute a background job that
the AS SELECT query and then inserts the data into the newly created
So the table will be kept up to date as the source data changes as
Generated columns are from the AS SELECT schema, right? Yes, that's
allowed. FLIP-463 will also allow modifying the schema of the sink
in case you need to add more columns.
I notice amazon [3] talks of the difference between view and CTAS;
CTAS persists the content. Is this the approach we are taking? If so
are we persisting?
This is already supported by FLIP-218 [1]. But yes, the CTAS persists
content in the new table you specify in the CTAS statement.
is the table read-only, or can we insert/ delete / update into it.
is read only how will the inserts , deletes updates fail.
Are there any restrictions on the select ? Can the select be a join,
aggregate, windowed?
I notice Azure [2] supports ISNULL. Is there a thought to change the
nullability for the CTAS?
Amazon [4] ignores ordered by clauses ? is that the same for this
I suppose all of this is already supported by FLIP-218. I don't see
restrictions on the query. You can learn more about it in the
- Sergio
On Mon, Jun 10, 2024 at 3:10 AM David Radley <
Hi Sergio,
Sounds good . I am relatively new to this area and had some basic
I notice in [1] it talks of materialized views. And CREATE view can
already take the AS keyword. It would be useful to me to understand
would use each of these.
- I assume the table will be kept up to date as the source data
like a view.
- Are there any restrictions on the select ? Can the select be a
aggregate, windowed?
- I assume generated columns are allowed?
- is the table read-only, or can we insert/ delete / update into it.
is read only how will the inserts , deletes updates fail.
- I notice Azure [2] supports ISNULL. Is there a thought to change
nullability for the CTAS?
- I notice amazon [3] talks of the difference between view and CTAS;
CTAS persists the content. Is this the approach we are taking? If so
are we persisting?
- Amazon [4] ignores ordered by clauses ? is that the same for this
Kind regards, David.
From: Sergio Pena <ser...@confluent.io.INVALID>
Date: Friday, 7 June 2024 at 16:13
To: dev@flink.apache.org <dev@flink.apache.org>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [DISCUSS] FLIP-463: Schema Definition in CREATE
AS Statement
HI All,
I'd like to start a discussion on FLIP-463: Schema Definition in
TABLE AS Statement [1]
The proposal extends the CTAS statement to allow users to define
schema by adding columns, primary and partition keys, and table
distribution to the CREATE statement.
Any thoughts are welcome.
- Sergio Pena
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