Hello Joao,
thank your for your proposal, modularity is always welcome :)

> To maintain clarity and minimize conflicts, we're currently leaning towards 
> maintaining the existing structure, where flink-connector-jdbc-${version}.jar 
> remains shaded for simplicity, encompassing the core functionality and all 
> database-related features within the same JAR.

I do agree with this approach as the usecase of reading/writing to different 
DBs could be quite common.

However, I am missing what would be the concrete advantage in this change for 
connector maintainability.
I make an example:
You can now update the derby implementation and the core independently and 
decide at your own will when to include the new derby in the core?

For clarity of motivation, could you please add some concrete examples (just a 
couple) to the FLIP to clarify when this really comes in handy?

Thank you!
On Apr 26, 2024 at 04:19 +0200, Muhammet Orazov 
<mor+fl...@morazow.com.invalid>, wrote:
> Hey João,
> Thanks for FLIP proposal!
> Since proposal is to introduce modules, would it make sense
> to have another module for APIs (flink-jdbc-connector-api)?
> For this I would suggest to move all public interfaces (e.g,
> JdbcRowConverter, JdbcConnectionProvider). And even convert
> some classes into interface with their default implementations,
> for example, JdbcSink, JdbcConnectionOptions.
> This way users would have clear interfaces to build their own
> JDBC based Flink connectors.
> Here I am not suggesting to introduce new interfaces, only
> suggest also to separate the API from the core implementation.
> What do you think?
> Best,
> Muhammet
> On 2024-04-25 08:54, Joao Boto wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I'd like to start a discussion on FLIP-449: Reorganization of
> > flink-connector-jdbc [1].
> > As Flink continues to evolve, we've noticed an increasing level of
> > complexity within the JDBC connector.
> > The proposed solution is to address this complexity by separating the
> > core
> > functionality from individual database components, thereby streamlining
> > the
> > structure into distinct modules.
> >
> > Looking forward to your feedback and suggestions, thanks.
> > Best regards,
> > Joao Boto
> >
> > [1]
> > https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-449%3A+Reorganization+of+flink-connector-jdbc

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