Dear devs, Today is the second meeting for Flink 1.20 release cycle. I'd like to share the information synced in the meeting.
- Features: There're 8 weeks until the feature freeze date, so far we've had 6 flips/features and the status looks good. It is encouraged to continuously updating the 1.20 wiki page[1] for contributors. - Blockers: - [Closed] Change on getTransitivePredecessors breaks connectors FLINK-35009 - [Doing] 2 tests fail FLINK-35041, FLINK-34997 - [Doing] 2 benchmarks performance regression FLINK-35040, FLINK-35215 - Sync meeting[2]: The next meeting is 05/07/2024, please feel free to join us. Lastly, we encourage attendees to fill out the topics to be discussed at the bottom of 1.20 wiki page[1] a day in advance, to make it easier for everyone to understand the background of the topics. [1] [2] Best, Weijie, Ufuk, Robert and Rui