Hi everyone, On behalf of the PMC, I'm happy to let you know that Zakelly Lan has become a new Flink Committer!
Zakelly has been continuously contributing to the Flink project since 2020, with a focus area on Checkpointing, State as well as frocksdb (the default on-disk state db). He leads several FLIPs to improve checkpoints and state APIs, including File Merging for Checkpoints and configuration/API reorganizations. He is also one of the main contributors to the recent efforts of "disaggregated state management for Flink 2.0" and drives the entire discussion in the mailing thread, demonstrating outstanding technical depth and breadth of knowledge. Beyond his technical contributions, Zakelly is passionate about helping the community in numerous ways. He spent quite some time setting up the Flink Speed Center and rebuilding the benchmark pipeline after the original one was out of lease. He helps build frocksdb and tests for the upcoming frocksdb release (bump rocksdb from 6.20.3->8.10). Please join me in congratulating Zakelly for becoming an Apache Flink committer! Best, Yuan (on behalf of the Flink PMC)