Congratulations, Jing!
Best regards, Zhongqiang Gong Jark Wu <> 于2024年4月12日周五 16:02写道: > Hi everyone, > > On behalf of the PMC, I'm very happy to announce that Jing Ge has > joined the Flink PMC! > > Jing has been contributing to Apache Flink for a long time. He continuously > works on SQL, connectors, Source, and Sink APIs, test, and document > modules while contributing lots of code and insightful discussions. He is > one of the maintainers of Flink CI infra. He is also willing to help a lot > in the > community work, such as being the release manager for both 1.18 and 1.19, > verifying releases, and answering questions on the mailing list. Besides > that, > he is continuously helping with the expansion of the Flink community and > has > given several talks about Flink at many conferences, such as Flink Forward > 2022 and 2023. > > Congratulations and welcome Jing! > > Best, > Jark (on behalf of the Flink PMC) >