Hi Venkata,

Thank you for opening the discussion about this!

After taking a look at the YARN and Hadoop configurations, the
reason why it was implemented this way is that, in case of YARN,
every YARN-specific property is prefixed with "yarn.", so to get
the final, YARN-side property it is enough to remove the "flink."

In case of Hadoop, there are properties that not prefixed with
"hadoop.", e.g. "dfs.replication" so to identify and get the
Hadoop-side property it is necessary to duplicate the "hadoop" part
in the properties.

Taking this into consideration I would personally say -0 to this
change. IMO the current behavior can be justified as giving
slightly different solutions to slightly different problems, which
are well documented. Handling both prefixes would complicate the
parsing logic until the APIs can be removed, which as it looks at
the moment would only be possible in Flink 3.0, which probably will
not happen in the foreseeable future, so I do not see the benefit
of the added complexity.

Regarding the FLIP, in the "YARN configuration override example"
part, I think you should present an example that works correctly
at the moment: "flink.yarn.application.classpath" ->


On Friday, March 29th, 2024 at 23:45, Venkatakrishnan Sowrirajan 
<vsowr...@asu.edu> wrote:

> Hi Flink devs,
> I would like to start a discussion on FLIP-XXX: Make Flink's Hadoop and
> YARN configuration probing consistent
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1I2jBFI0eVkofAVCAEeajNQRfOqKGJsRfZd54h79AIYc/edit?usp=sharing.
> This stems from an earlier discussion thread here
> https://lists.apache.org/thread/l2fh5shbf59fjgbt1h73pmmsqj038ppv.
> This FLIP is proposing to make the configuration probing behavior between
> Hadoop and YARN configuration to be consistent.
> Regards
> Venkata krishnan

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